Untitled Part 13

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Hello. My. Fellow. People. Who. Live. In. This. Messed. Up. Society.

GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT. I have nothing better to do. Yay!

So I was thinking of a new story. A Ventura tale fanfic. Orr a gravity falls meets drwho. OR I could do a back story book. I am soooooooooooo bored. P.S. The following is written the next day

I am scared to sleep. Shadows. Dr. Who. Stupid Donna. Cute time lord. Library. Name the episode.


And I have school tomorrow.

I may end this chapter of the book of stuff. Sorry I am really tired.

Bye bye...

Ok you deserve a better outdo so...


GOSH DANGIT! BYE! There happy? No? Ok. I'm a bird and I'm just walkinging away. I don't care cuz I'm a bird. And I'm walking away.


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