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sandara park

"hey dara." i hear a voice from behind me say. i turn around to be faced with suho, a guy i know from my math class.

"hey suho." i smile at him as i turn back around to gather my books from my locker.

"so i was wondering," he began. i turn back to him, looking at him with curious eyes. "if maybe you wanted to, i don't know, go out tonight, or something?"

i thought about it for a moment, i hadn't ever spent much time with suho, but i knew he was a nice guy. "well, yeah, sure i guess." i smiled at him, which he returned. 

"great i'll pick you up tonight then. how is six?"

"just perfect." i replied and then began walking to my next class, a huge smile still playing on my lips.


later that night:

"where do you think you're going?" my mother asked from the couch, she was leaning on tablo, who was drinking a beer, just staring blankly at the television.

"i have a date tonight." i said simply as she took in my appearance. i was wearing a navy blue dress with black heels, along with all my hair in a side braid.

i heard my mother cough. "he must be blind." she muttered her words, though that didn't stop me from hearing them.

tablo finally turned around a took a look at me. his staring was making me uncomfortable, since his eyes were mainly on my breasts. "i think your daughter looks sexy." he spoke to my mom. he gave a me a devilish smile as he licked his lips.

at the comment my mother only shrugged, not taking offense to his words at all. she turned around and flagged me away. "whatever." was her way of saying goodbye. and i took what i could get as walked out of the house.

a few minutes before i had walked into the living room i had received a message from suho saying he was already outside. sure enough, the second i step outside i could see his black car parked on the curb in front of my house.

he was waiting outside of the car, resting on the side that facing the house. as i walked over his smile only grew. he opened the passenger side's door and after i sat down he closed the door. i let a small grin form on my face as i saw him jog around the car over to his side.

"hello." he said, dragging out the 'o.'

"hi." i giggled at the sight of him. he was wearing a pair of black rimmed glasses which i never knew he owned. he smile never left his face as he started up his car and began driving.

"where are we going?" i ask him and he glaces over at my quickly before settling his gaze back on the road.

"first i'm taking you to a cute little diner that my grandmother owns and after i thought maybe we could walk to an ice cream parlor about a down the road?" he looked back at me quickly, looking for a confirmation.

"that sounds great." i gave him a reassuring smile, (so much smiling fml) though i felt a little over dressed for what was to happen. suho was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a hoodie. while i went all out on my appearance it seems as if his took him two minutes.

we arrived at the diner in a short amount of time. as we walked in i took notice of the little chime above going off, signalling that we had entered.

suho recognized his grandmother up at the front, he waved at her as she returned the gesture. we took a seat in a booth towards the back.

"what can i get for you." a woman appearing in her mid twenties asked us.

"a water and a number four." suho ordered.

"i'll have a water as well, and," i scanned the menu quickly once more. "a number seventeen."

"okay, coming right up." the waitress spoke.

"what's your favourite animal?" suho answered out of nowhere as we waited for our food.

"uh," i was about to answer him but the waters were being brought to our table. i thanked the server as they were put in front of us before bringing my attention back to suho. "i'm not really sure, i guess, i just don't really like big animals."

he nodded and took a sip of his water.

"so how are you." i asked him.

"i'm doing great, how about you."

"great." i smiled.

a few moments later his cheeseburger and my salad came. he dug right in while i took my time eating the meal in front of me.

once we were done it was around seven thirty, we were walking next to each other, not making any physical contact with each other. i took a look behind me, i had the feeling of someone watching me, though i saw no one so i paid no attention to it.

"are you cold." suho asked me.

"no." i answered. "but thanks for asking."

i turned around once again, still not shaking off the feeling of another person's eyes.

"are you okay." i heard suho ask.

"yeah, just though i heard someone." i lied. he took his hand in mine and even though the feeling was still there, his hand holding mine seemed to ease my nerves a little bit.

we walked in silence towards the ice cream shop, though ever few minutes i still had to peer over my shoulder to try and catch a glimpse of my paranoia.



-christina xx

i start school back in like three days :-( ugh


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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