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sandara park

"MOTHER CAN I go out tonight?" sandara asked her mother, jutting her bottom lip out in a pout.

"yeah," she answer with a raspy voice. "sure, whatever." she motioned sandara to leave as she grabbed the bottle of liquor once more, taking a swig straight from the bottle.

sandara didn't think much of this, since  this is how her life has always been since her father left her family. her mother would ignore her, she would drink her life away, and not give a damn about anything that was going on around her.

cl had convinced sandara to go to a new club that was opening tonight, she had even made her a fake i.d. since she wasn't yet eighteen. sandara was reluctant at first, not wanting to do anything that could get her in trouble.

the day she started third grade she decided that she need to work harder in school. that grade was going to be her best yet, and she made that same promise to herself every new school year. she hoped that if her grades were amazing, if well, her as a person was amazing, then maybe her mother would pay attention to her as much as all of her friends' mothers did.

so it was reasonable that sandara didn't want to go to the club. as she grew up she realized that her mother wasn't doing a very good job of being one. she didn't want to go to a club, she didn't want to become her mother. yet, everyday she still worked her ass off in school, trying to impress her mother even just the slightest bit, hoping to receive some appreciation. 

she raced up the stairs quickly, making her way to her closet. she had nothing appropriate to wear to a night club, which makes sense since she never goes anywhere exciting.  she wasn't sure if minzy or park bom were going to be at the club, since they weren't into the party scene like cl is at only seventeen.  

she picked out dark skinny jeans and a light blue blouse. she was meeting cl there in ten minutes, she knew she was going to be late. she didn't apply any makeup, she didn't know if anyone at the club would be wearing any.

she grabbed her fake i.d. and jammed it into her pocket, racing out the door past her mother. she began the walk to the club. she had not yet gotten her drivers license and her mother would never drive her anywhere.


sandara walked into the club and immediately felt under dressed. Women were walking in with skimpy outfits that wouldn't even cover their ass, along with so much make up you could see huge clumps in their overly coated mascara. 

she flashed the bouncer her i.d. , him not even looking twice before allowing her in. she could feel stares from every direction judging her outfit choice. she finally found minzy and cl at the bar counter, cl taking shots and minzy just sipping on a water.

"bom didn't make it?" she asked after approaching the pair.

"no she had to study." minzy answered, putting a tone of mockery on the word "studying."

"i don't feel very comfortable here," sandara said. "there's too many people."

"loosen up dara. jesus you need a drink." cl grabbed the drink out of someone's hand walking by and handed it to me. "drink it."

"what is it?"

"no idea." she slurred.

minzy just stood there, looking around like a lost puppy, not exactly feeling the whole alcohol, sex, drug vibe that was going on here. 

"if you guys aren't gonna drink, then i'm going to just go have a smoke outside." cl said, walking off before the other two could have any say in anything.

"bom should've just came, who cares about studying, she's probably just reading while shoving her face with corn and bread." minzy said, breaking the silence.

"you know how she needs to pass that math final." sandara answered.  


"can we just leave?" she asked, not wanting to be here any longer.

"sure, let's go, you can crash at my place." minzy answered.

they both left the club, minzy complaining about how her feet ache and sandara not saying a word.


wow, that was shitty. 

i didn't know how to end it.

keep in mind that chanyeol is always watching ;;;;)))) #stalkerface

so i did some research about 2ne1 and read some article on this creepy website that knows their blood types.

i had to change most of the chapter because i made minzy all badass before i did my research and then i realized that the badass one is cl. now as completely unrealistic my story is, ima just make that part accurate.

that website better not be full of shit, it was the first link that popped up on google so im trusting it.

i want tea.


okay im back. i got tea. :-)

-christina xx


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