3 - Marcel

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"Why don't you call your big brother? Maybe he can help you, like always!" Danny says as he spits on me and walks away with his posse. They just beat me up in the bathroom. They even broke my glasses, again.

With a grunt I stand up to see the damage. Harry will be livid once he sees me.


"Who the hell did this?!" He shouts at my principal. Once Harry was waiting for me I walked up to his car with a hoody on I borrowed from Leeroy. Harry was curious and tugged off the hood to see my bruised up and bloodied face. He stormed out and walked straight to the principals office.

"Mr. Styles I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to punish whoever did this to your brother." he says rushed. The principal, Mr. Lockwood, is trying to main a professional facade but I can tell he's intimidated by my brothers dark appearance.

"You'd better hope you do, because if not I will!" He yells before storming out of the office.

"I'm sorry," I mumble before hurrying out and following Harry back to his car. I spot Sophia arguing with Danny and she spots me. I avoid her gaze but from my peripheral vision I can see her walking towards me.

"Marcel I," she begins before Harry clears his throat catching her attention.

"Who are you?" He bluntly asks her. I internally scold him. Not being at all intimated by his appearance, she answers him politely sticking out her hand for him to shake.

"I'm Sophia, a friend of Marcel's," Harry looks as if he's trying to remember something and once he does his face lights up and he takes her hand in his, shaking it.

"Well it's nice to meet you. Marcel's told me so many wonderful things about you," he says sending me a teasing smirk. Dear God please take me now.

She smiles before looking back at me. "Can we talk, please?" She asks me. I look at Harry and he nods before walking to the car only to lean up against it.

"Whats up?" I ask her.

"I know what happened. I'm so sorry about Danny," she says apologizing for her exes behavior. They're on-and-off.

"It's fine, don't apologize."

"I broke up with him," I raise an eyebrow. "For real this time. I told him that he wasted his last chance. I don't like when he's mean, especially to you."

I'm so nervous I can feel my pits staring to moisten.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks me after a few moments of silence. I nod feverishly.

"I, uh, I gotta go. Harry's waiting," I say. She nods in response. I begin to walk away before remembering Leeroy's words from earlier.

"Soph," she looks up expectingly. "This weekend I'm doing some free tutoring and I heard you needed some help on your calculus." She smiles shyly and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"My house at 4?" I ask. She smiles and nods.

"I'd love for you to tutor me," she says. I smile happily and give her my number so she can text me asking for my address in a few days. I limp back to Harry's car with a huge smile on my face.

He's smiling back at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Little Marcel's got a crush," he teases. I roll my eyes.

"Shut up," he laughs before putting the car in drive and heading home.

A/n: Next chapter is in Harry's POV OHHHH MMMYYYY GLLOOOOBBBB
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