Chapter 1

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I lied in bed, confused at the world and the people in it.

Did he truly like me? Or was he just fooling me.

I groaned in frustration, banging my head against a book.

"Banging your head won't help Cassandra." Teased Hope.

"But it creates pain which helps me forget about everything else." I protested.

"Sure, keep doing that. Soon you'll get a concussion." Summer retorted.

"Fantastic idea. It will get me out of the Palace!" I said sarcastically.

"Your welcome." Summer winked at me.

"May I steal you away for a moment?" Said a voice popping out of nowhere.

I turned around and saw it was Luciano. Brilliant. Just the person I needed to get away from.

My maids nodded at him and rushed out the door.

"Wait-" but they had already left.

I sighed in disbelief and turned to him.

"So you are for because?" I asked him not daring to meet his eye.

"Because I wanted to see you." He said entering the room and following me to the balcony.

"Amazing view isn't it?" I said smiling below me.

"Yes, but not as amazing at the person in front of me." 

"Please, some girls in there are more amazing than me." 

"But some don't have dreams. Some don't know what's it like being independent or what that word even means. They don't tease me or use sarcasm or even tell me the truth." He said intensely.

"I'm sure most of them have dreams, dreams to be your future Queen." 

"But that's the point, they just want the crown. Only a few want to be my wife but they won't look bad in front of me." 

"True." I said agreeing with them. Who would want to offend their future King?

"Now will you give us a try?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"I'll give it a try." I said.

"Thank you." He whispered in my eye before kissing my cheek gently.

His lips left a tingly feeling, that I had no idea what existed.

What was happening to me? 

Probably lack of sleep.

He went back into the hallway after saying goodbye to me.

Greeted by a girl, that sounded exactly like Sonya.

I smiled when I saw those two leave together. 

I believe I have nothing to be jealous of and it's true right?

It's not like we're dating or anything.

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