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Ross's POV

"How'd you do on that math test?" A friend closer to my siblings than myself honestly, asks as we walk into the main hall of our over crowed public school,

"A+, you?" I just shrug giving the same answer to him like every other time I get asked this question,

"D+" Matthew, my apparent friend of this moment, sounds disappointed, which is a little confusing he's never really cared about grades, Matthew is football star so his grade haven't mattered unless they've lost a game and then his coach yells at him, just for the reason of ne sing something to yell about,

"Your straight C student, that ridiculous..." I decide to joke about it, making a annoyingly common situation better, I obviously overly exaggerate by throwing my hands in the air and faking a angry groaning, I can see it makes Matt kinda happy that I actually know his grades, that I know that he's not a pathetic jock head, like most of the guys on his team.

"That's right, what's Mr Dawsons deal?" Mr Tyson Dawson has always been one of the most uptight teachers in this school, after 35 years of teaching I think he just got sick of children and our growing languages, you'd think he'd just retire or something,

Matthew frowns, crossing his arms, stamping his foot into the ground and pouting like he's 3, Matt brings out his inner child quite a lot, I guess when you're 17 and life sucks you have to be optimistic some how.

"Mr Dawson." I speak as he walks up behind us with his coffee and sour look on his face, hopefully giving Matthew the hint to shut his mouth, so he won't get detention for the 5th time this week, he's not a bad kid he just has trouble paying attention to when people are speaking,

"Ross Lynch, Matthew Espinosa, Good luck on the homework assignment" Mr Dawson says spitefully giving a look of displeasure at Matthew, as he sips the coffee in his hand, out of his "best teacher ever" mug,

"Thanks.." Matt and I say uncomfortable at same time at the man in his 50's, who's just sipping his coffee while giving us a cold stare before rolling his eyes and wondering away, We give each other a look of 'did that just seriously happen?' We just slowly nod at each other and I can see the guys coming over.

And by the guys I mean, my family, Riker, Rocky & Ryland and the others who are just friends of theirs, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Joe Sugg, the leader Ellington Ratliff and the only girl in the group is my big sister, who is also my only sister, Rydel.

"we're all hanging out tonight, you coming Ross?" Luke raises an eyebrow at me, already probably knowing my answer.

"or are you blowing us off again to do homework?" Lukes best friend Ashton laughs, not in a mean way but in the "I just asked an obvious question" way, Luke and Ashton high-five at their not so great comments about my homework filled life but I'm going to choose to ignore them.

"you know how much school means to me..." I tell them for the hundredth time, they always ask but I've always got more homework.

"Come on baby bro, it's one night, just us guys" Riker tries to convince me, just one Friday night wouldn't kill my chances to get into the college of my dreams, if anything it would make me feel better.

"thanks I'm not invited again." Rydel rolls her eyes and quickly struts away, the clicking of her heels making everyone look at her, I feel bad for her she never invited to anything they do.

"weird but please Ross one night" Ratliff asks, I quickly attempt to find an excuse so I don't have to go but I have used to many, one night won't hurt right?

"Fine, but not to late, I have homework" I sigh in defeat, one night won't make any difference.

"Yes! WHOO!" The guys begin cheering, causing a lot of attention to be directed towards us, my face going red in embarrassment, They all jump around like a pack of wild dogs, screaming and high five-ing each other, like idiots.

"wait, where are we going?" Rocky questions Ratliff, he usually plans all three nights out and bro days.

"I know..." Joe smirks, staring directly at me, making me feel more anxious about tonight then I already was.

"okay, so we're all meeting at Luke's place" everybody making a noise of agreement, while Luke complains about why does it have to be his house.

"see ya'll tonight" Matthew says and we all head off in our own direction, to last period of the day, today's been a long day, might I say.

(Hehehehe that rhymed😂)


The beginning of a new story, always my favourite thing to do!

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