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Sophie P.O.V


Six Days Later.

A rustling noise kept coming through the echoed walls of her small apartment.

"Shit where are they?!" She exclaimed, viciously tearing through her luggage. 

"I know I packed them" She repeated. 

Her thoughts were interupted by Cooper carrying her bathroom essentials and putting them on her bedroom floor next to the large suitcase. Cooper noticed how frantic she was being so he decided to help her.

"What are you looking for?" Cooper asked and started to look around the room, hoping he could see what she couldn't but it drew a blank. He saw nothing.

"My headphones" She said to him, but sighing loudly in the process.

"Babe...." Cooper started. But Sophie was too upset to listen so he grabbed her with both arms to shake her out of her trance.

"What?" Sophie asks as she stares into Coopers friendly and comfortable blue eyes.

"Your headphones..." He says and points to her neck.

She looks at him confused. 

"You wearing them" He says and carefully takes them off her and hands them to her.

"Holy shit, I'm such a mess" Sophie exclaimed and sat on her bed and covered her face in fear.

Cooper came over to give her some comforting advice.

"Sophie, the plane wont be too bad, I will be just a call away or text or even facetime. Plus you have Alex." Cooper reminded her.

She sighed and wiped her tear away. 

"I know that, but Alex doesn't know how afraid I am of planes. I wish you were going too Coop" Sophie says and buries her face in Coopers large board arms. 

"I know, I too. but hey its only like 20 or so hours..." Cooper reminded her again. 

"20 hours?!" She shouted and threw her arms up in the air. 

She started pacing up and down her small open space in her bedroom. 

"I can't do this, you go for me." She said and got her ticket from her carry on bag. Which was compleltly packed. 

As she handed Cooper the plane ticket he smiled at her. 

"I'm not going, you are. You can do this Sophie" Cooper reassured her. 

"No, I can't go, what's the point, to yell at Mike, in some country where the insects can kill me in a single bite, no thank you" Sophie said and held her hands up in defeat. 

Cooper smiled cheekly and her and grabbed her hands to get her attention.

"Your not going to get killed by an insect, Alex, your boyfriend is going, he cares about you a lot. I wish i was going but its too late, you have to do this without me, I can't always be there for you and you yell at Mike good" Cooper said to her as she listened intently. 

He was right. I can do this. Just take that medicine and boom, your out. Your good. It wont be too bad if i sleep the entire plane ride. She thought to herself. As Coopers words kept echoing in her thoughts. 

He is right, you can do this. I can do this. I got this. She kept repeating over and over in her head until it became a mantra. 

I can do this. It wont be awful. I get to yell at Mike. She said  to herself. The Mike part made her smile in devious way. She was going to get even with him. The one who toyed with her, and now recently her emotions. She still needed to know why, even if the men in her life didn't want that question to be answered. 'People like that don't have reasons why they do it Soph.' Cooper's voice repeated in her brain, as she folded her hoodie and placed it in her suitcase. 

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