chapter 1- Julianna

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why hello my name is Julianna and this book will be a collab with loveRicardo02l if you don't know her account go check her out, she is an amazing writer the schedule will be

Julianna(me)- every Wednesday

loveRicardoo2l(Haley)-every Saturday


ughhh these guys, they are so annoying with their constant yelling with their stupid arguments I want them to all just disappear off the face of this earth and I haven't even met them properly yet!! I should probably introduce myself

hello my name is Katie Ulla  

I have long black hair with light brown eyes im not really the girliest person around and did I mention im the youngest one here? im 14 I live here with my older sister and her 5 friends we all became really close we are pretty much sisters, im honestly really loud, but when you first get to know me im really shy, but back to my 'sisters' I should probably introduce you to them well there is my real sister Julianna Ulla she has long light brown hair side bangs and crystal blue eyes, yeah I know, we look nothing a like, and Julianna well she is the second oldest she is 20 she is kind of a hipster I guess you could say she wears a lot of snapbacks and like batman and superman shirts with like skinny jeans and vans, plus she skateboards every where, she has the money for a car, yet she doesn't want one, she is normally listening to music and reading (I know what a nerd) and then there's Carmen Josifer she is kinda like Julianna I guess, but her hair is darker than hers and she has light brown eyes like mine she is really pretty and she dresses more punk then Julianna I guess you could say she mostly wears graphic tees and colored jeans with converse she is 16 so she is the closest to my age besides Sophie Hartman, she is the same age she has black hair like me and Carmen, but her hair is dyed because she has eyes like Julianna, bright blue, she is probably the girliest one out of all of us, she is always dressed really nice and cute in some sort of way she is the oldest is Becca she is 21 and she has long platinum blond hair and navy blue eyes he style is a mix of Julianna and Carmen I guess you could say she is normally always wearing a hat and last, but not least, Jules Palmer she is 18 and defiantly the funniest one of us all when ever any of us are board we will always go to her she has natural blonde hair with dark-ish blue eyes and she is more like Sophie, but not as girly or I guess trys as hard, shes honestly a really sweet girl

ughhh these girls that live next to us all they do all the time is laugh and giggle, except I always see this one girl different from the rest I don't know her name, but she is always leaving the house on a skateboard I don't know her name though

Hi im Ricky Dillion and im 21 years old I live next door to these girls, but I really wish I didn't they are so loud and I don't want to deal with them I live in a house with some of my best friends in California we are really close so we are pretty much brothers well there is 6 of us and I should probably tell you about them, well ill start with myself, I have blondish brownish hair and I always spike it up, I guess you could consider me as the funny one of our group I normally dress in shorts and tank tops with vans or converse, ill go from youngest to oldest so that means we star with Trevor he is 14 and he is honestly one of the funniest kids I know, he is normally a plain colored tee shirt and cargo shorts a he has light brown hair and he keeps it to side, like to old bieber then there is Kian, Sam and Ricardo they are all 17 and they are best friends they are pretty much inseparable and the both dress pretty much the same, in shorts and tanks tops they both spike their hair up except Sams hair is dark brown ad Kians is more of a lighter brown ricardo has more of a buzzed cut with black hair after them is Jc and Connor they are both 20 years old Jc dresses mostly in tee shirts and shorts with vans mostly his hair is pretty much black and its kinda spikted, but not as much as me and some others and connor who is the only somewhat blonde, his hair is more of a dirty blonde and he spikes up his hair to,but also wears it down when it gets to long, but that doesn't happen to often, Connor is really random and funny while Jc is really laid back and chill

I wonder whats gonna happen with these girls


okie dokie so first chapter woop woop, so the next update will be Saturday probably and I hope you like it and I will se you guys next week and I really used this chapter to explain everyone

-Julianna <3

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