chapter 6- haley

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Carmen's POV)

The night droned on like one of my old science teachers lectures. We were all bored, tired of Katie asking Julianna millions of questions about her date.

"You know what we should do?" Jules squealed.

"What?" We all questioned, knowing what in the world she was thinking.

"Dance party!!" She yelled.

She ran upstairs, coming back down about twenty minutes later she came back down with her stereo.

"Music!" She whispered loudly and say the radio down on the chestnut colored table.

She put in a mixed tape and turned the volume to high. An old Gwen Stefani song came on, since it was late we were already in our pajamas. We all started dancing wildly, singing along with the music.

My phone buzzed, 'SexyKian' showed up next to 1 new message.

'Having fun over there? ;)'

All my blood ran up to my cheeks. I wiped it away and smirked.

'You know it. Wish you were here huh?'

It was just harmless flirting. Nothing wrong with that.. Right?

'Hell yes.'

I chuckled at his reply and chucked my phone at the couch and smiled to myself. Could it possibly be I have a small crinkle of crush on him?

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