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The sound of my iPhone alarm on my bedside table causes me to slowly wake up. I roll over in my bed, not opening my eyes. The smooth bass and synthesizers blend together beautifully. Knowing immediately that the song is Human Nature, I can't help but smile. I've always had such a strong connection to this song, although I have never been able to understand why.

"Looking out, across the nighttime, the city winks a sleepless eye..." Michael sings.

I join in with him, still half-asleep.

"Hear her voice, shake my window, Sweet seducing sighs..." We sing together.

I love this song so much. Michael's voice is so angelic, which makes the song even more comforting. It's the perfect song to wake up to, and it never fails to put me in a good mood.

"If they say why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature..."

I slowly open my eyes and sit up in my bed, turning off the alarm and picking up my phone. I look out my window. Its almost pitch black outside, with the only source of light being a streetlight far out in the distance. It's 5:30 in the morning. Suddenly, I am able to process why I had set my alarm for such an early time.

Today is the day. The day of the auditions. My stomach involuntarily ties itself into a knot of nervous energy. It came so fast. It seems like it was only yesterday that Michael announced his comeback tour. I remember watching the press conference in early March. I was in my bedroom watching the evening news, when it had suddenly stopped and was cut to a screen that read 'Breaking News'. It then showed a scene with red stage that had an electric banner above it that spelled out 'Michael Jackson'. I quickly sat up in my bed. There was a news banner running along the bottom of the screen that said 'Michael Jackson's Comeback'.

All of a sudden, the fans lining the streets began screaming uncontrollably. A figure slowly walked up the stairs at the back of the stage. It was Michael. He was wearing a black military jacket embroidered with silver patterns. Dark glasses covered his eyes, his beautiful hair was straightened, and he was smiling. He walked around the stage waving at all the fans, and giving them his signature peace sign. Stepping onto the podium, Michael began to speak.

"I love you so much." He said.

The volume of the screaming escalated as he waved at all of the fans. I sat motionless on my bed. I couldn't process what was happening.

"This Is It...This Is It!" Michael said stepping down from the bright red podium to punch at the air victoriously.

He couldn't stop smiling at the thousands of fans who had gathered to see him.

"These will be my London." He said, barely being able to focus on speaking, because of the immense amount of screaming fans 10 feet away from him.

At that point my mind went blank.

"When I say This Is It, I really mean This Is It." He said.

He stepped away from the microphone to walk around the stage, giggling uncontrollably at the fans chanting his name. Eventually he came back to the podium.

"I'll be performing the songs my fans wanna hear..."

My heart stopped beating. When the news finally sank in that Michael was going on tour again, I stood up and started screaming. Soon enough, my mother came running into my bedroom.

"What's wrong with you Daniella?!" She exclaimed.

"It''s Michael!" I said with tears beginning to stream down my face.

"Michael who?"

"Michael Jackson! He's touring again! Look!" I pointed a trembling finger at the television screen.

Michael turned around and started to laugh as the crowd began to chant 'King Of Pop! King Of Pop!' Walking back to the microphone, he prepared to say his final statement.

"I love you. I really have to know that. I love you so much." He said so honestly. "This is it...and see you in July."

He turned towards the hysterical crowd and flashed the peace sign once more. Triumphantly, and with his fist in the air, he walked off the makeshift stage.

"I can't believe it..." I said. "I can't believe it!"

I turned around to look at my mother, half-expecting her to share my excitement, but she had already left my room. How typical of her. She didn't even acknowledge how much this meant to me. Taking a deep sigh, I wiped the tears of happiness and excitement from my cheeks. I turned back to the T.V and rewound the news segment to watch it over again.

This was huge! I've loved Michael Jackson for so long, and now I have a chance to see him with my own eyes! I smile as I think back to the first time that I ever saw Michael's beautiful face.

I was six years old, and it was Halloween. The music video for Thriller was on T.V almost nonstop that night. I watched in amazement as Michael transformed into a werewolf, and then minutes later, a zombie. When Michael and the zombies started dancing, I stood in front of the T.V screen and started to copy their every move. Surprisingly enough, the video didn't scare me at all as a child. I was completely engrossed in Michael's musical abilities.

That was the day I fell in love with his voice, his dancing, and his talent. I can't go a day without listening to his music, and I always spend my spare time in the dance studio, blaring songs like Smooth Criminal and Dangerous as I practice my dancing. Over the years, I've learned more about his incredible humanitarian efforts and his passion for healing the world. After seeing him stay strong through all of the hideous trials and allegations, I've come to realize what an amazing and inspirational person he truly is.

When I figured out that I was able to audition to be a principle dancer for This Is It, I jumped at the chance. I submitted my information online, and I was accepted into the auditions. Only today do I realize how excited I truly am. Not only will I be able to see my lifelong idol, but I have the chance to be able to dance in front of him! I can feel the mixture of nervousness and excitement churning up in my stomach.

I take a deep breath. I need to calm down, and I need to focus.

Today I get to see Michael Jackson.

Today...I get to dance for Michael Jackson.

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