What if...

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Peridot's wearing armor and we've never seen her body?And that's why she hasn't summoned a weapon!(Do her fingers count?)

Also, have you noticed the similarities between her and Sardonyx? They both have dorito heads!

Okay, the real theory:

A lot of people have said things like Lapis was an experiment, and that Rose trapped her in the mirror.

The Gems didn't recognize Jasper or Peridot, so they're younger.

Is Lapis younger like them? Or older, like the gems? I'll make arguments for both.


When Lapis gets out of the mirror,  she says:  "you knew I was in there!"

Which means she had some contact with the gems before.

Also, if she was trapped in the temple, she would have to be from the last time the galaxy warps were used, hence Pearl's statement: "We found it at the galaxy warp." We know that the gem war ended Thousands of years earlier, and, according to theories, they came back about twenty-thirty years before.

On a side note, Lapis knows about their base. This could possibly only be because she was in there via mirror, but we can't rule it out.


When Lapis is released from the mirror, the gems treat her as hostile, or as if they don't know her. If they had met her before, wouldn't they question her first to see what she wanted? Granted, she was attacking them...

Jasper seems to trust her to a point, by asking her questions.

I don't know, what do you guys think?

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