A Plan And A Reason

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"Lily! Lily!" James called after his new girlfriend "I need you to help me with something!"

"What?" Lily asked following James into a secluded area of the common room.

"Okay. Here goes. You can't tell anyone about what I'm about to tell you, alright?"

Lily confirmed that she wouldn't say anything and James continued.

"If you know Person A likes Person B and you know Person B likes Person A but you also can't tell Person B because Person A wont let you and you can't tell Person A because Person B won't let you, and Person A and Person B won't tell each other on their own, how do you get Person A and Person B to admit they are madly in love and kiss?"

Lily was quiet for a minute. She seemed to be thinking about what James had said. Finally she spoke.

"Have you tried explaining that to them?"

"Yes," James said "But it hasn't done anything. They're pretty stubborn and won't say anything to the other."

"Well, you could try getting them in a room together, tell them exactly what you told me, that Person A and Person B stuff, and then leave, lock the door and don't let them out until they've figured it out and kissed. Perfect plan."

"Lily," James sighed "that is not going to work."

"Why not?" Lily asked "Give me one reason why that wouldn't work."

James thought for a minute. And although it sounded like the stupidest thing in the world, he couldn't see why it wouldn't work. But because it sounded so stupid to him, he was going to have to try other things first.

"Do you have any other ideas?" James asked.

Lily smiles. "Nope. It'll work. Trust me. Last year I found out that Sadie Mitchell and Jack Carston fancied each other and I did just that. It worked like a charm. They've been together ever since. Hey. I never asked. Who are you trying to get together?"

James shook his head. "They're not even okay with me telling the other about it. What makes you think I can tell you?"

"You are really loyal to your friends, James. I'll give you that."

James smiled. "Just one of my many charming qualities." He kissed Lily. "And that is another."

"See you later, Potter."

"You too, Evans."

James went over to join Remus in the common room. He was working hard to finish all his homework since he would be in the Shrieking Shack the next night and wouldn't be able to do it. It occurred to James that he should do his homework as well, but he had better things to do. And anyway, he could always write something quickly in class before it was due.

James sat down and watched Remus scribble out a sentence and rewrite it. He was thinking about what Lily had told him. He didn't like it, it was too simple and lacked his classic Marauder flare, however, he didn't have a lot of other options and time was running out. There were only five months left at Hogwarts, and life outside was too unpredictable with Voldemort taking over everywhere. He needed to act fast so his friends could have enough time together. He would wait until Remus recovered from the full moon and then act on Lily's plan.

"What are you doing?" Remus had finally looked up from his essay and was looking inquisitively at James.

"Just thinking," James replied.

"About..." Remus prompted.

"Wether or not Sirius and Peter's horns will have shrunk enough to join us tomorrow night," James said.

"They will."

"Do you fancy Sirius?" The question had escaped from his lips before he could stop it. He hadn't been planning on asking it. He could see why Remus was opposed to telling him about his crush in the first place, James did have a tendency to let things slip.

"Yes but I'm not telling him ever and you better not either because I know he's into girls but there's this tiny sliver of hope that he's not but if I say something he'll tell me he's straight and then all of that hope will be gone. Now we are done with this subject and you will never bring it up again. Clear?" Remus said angrily.

"Okay. Sorry. I truly didn't mean to ask but it just kind of slipped out. How's the essay coming?" James apologized.

"Fine. I'm done with it now. I'm going to go rest upstairs."

James watched his friend's back as he went up the stairs to his dorm. Remus was always grumpy before the full moon, but he always tried to suppress it. He tried not to be the monster that society painted him as. James felt terrible that he had made Remus snap, he knew that that would torture him internally for days.

James sat for a few more minutes, and then, deciding that Remus had enough time to pretend to be asleep, he went up to apologize. Remus was in his four poster bed and had his eyes closed but James knew he was awake because he was lying rigid, instead of sprawled out on the blankets like he normally was when he was asleep.

"Remus," James said quietly "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ask that and make you snap. I'll drop it now. Get some sleep, Moony."

James put on his pajamas and crawled into his bed and went to sleep. After all, he needed energy to spend the whole night as Prongs as well.

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