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Sirius sauntered into Transfiguration at the last possible second and slid into the desk next to Remus. He waved at James and Peter and gave a smile and nod to McGonagall who was looking disapprovingly at him. She decided to ignore it as Sirius wasn't technically late and began to lecture the class.

Sirius listened to the lesson on human transfiguration intently, although he wasn't entirely sure when he'd need to transfigure himself into a pig since he had the whole animagus thing already. Remus was taking notes next to him, his left elbow kept bumping into Sirius. Not that he minded.

McGonagall concluded the lesson by announcing the upcoming Hogsmeade visit. It would be the last one of their Hogwarts education, if you didn't count the excursions by the Marauders every full moon.

The bell rang and everyone gathered their things and left the classroom. Remus was packing his bag slowly and carefully. Sirius was about to leave with James and Peter when he saw Remus out if the corner of his eye. He stopped and waved a slightly bemused James on. He walked over to Remus. McGonagall was preparing some teacups for her third years at her desk.

"Hogsmeade," Sirius began nervously "Do you maybe want to, um, go with me?" He was cautious and on edge, a far cry from his usual bold recklessness. He was clearly unsure of how Remus would answer.

Remus smiled. He nodded.

"Well okay then!" Sirius said regaining his confidence now that Remus had accepted. "Come on! I'm hungry!"

The two boys turned and headed out of the transfiguration classroom. Just before they left, Remus reached tentatively for Sirius's hand. He took it and McGonagall smiled as she saw them walk out together. Neither boy had noticed that she had been listening nor did they hear her as she whispered to their retreating figures "Ten galleons to McGonagall"

Ten Galleons To McGonagallWhere stories live. Discover now