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Paganism has been around for a long time (unlike Wicca which is fairly new) people believed what they took from the earth they had to give back in energy. Paleolithic people worshipped a hunter God and fertility goddess (paintings found on cave wall, they were estimated to be 30,000 years old.) Which is proof so far witchcraft is the oldest belief system today.

When Christianity gave rise after the fall of the Roman Empire they tried to convert Pagans to Christians which is the reasons for the holidays being so similar. When some pagans wouldn't convert a witch hunt was launched by the Christian church. (15th to 18th century) Christians believed pagans were evil and worshipped the devil due to myths they created to scare pagans into converting. It was believed by Christians that witches got powers from a pact with Satan.

In Scotland it was believed Witches had a devils marks where the devil had marked them, where he consummated their pact. It was on the Devils mark where the witch could not feel pain so to find it the witches skin was picked with a needle. Most accused were elderly women who uses herbs for healing. Presence of toad, cat, mice, spiders and pets at all (familiars) were proof of witch craft, often times killed along with accused. People believed that familiars were given to the witches by the devil. Many animals were killed during the era because Christians believed anything other than the spirit of an angel was a demon but to Pagans they were like a guardian angel.
During the Salem witch trials a man was charged with encouraging a dog to attack. The dog was tried, convicted and hanged.


•Mask of fear- designed to silence naggers and slanders as well as suspected witches

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•Mask of fear- designed to silence naggers and slanders as well as suspected witches. Made to cause maximum discomfort and humiliation.

•Witches collar- locked around victims neck with spikes and long pole attached to lead person threw the streets

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•Witches collar- locked around victims neck with spikes and long pole attached to lead person threw the streets. Towns people would typically taunt the victim.

 Towns people would typically taunt the victim

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