Chapter 2

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You wake up to silence. You get out of bed, pulling up your shorts, and find your way the door. The main room echoes with quiet snoring, and noise coming from what you presumed is the kitchen.

"Hello?" you say, stumbling towards the presumed kitchen.

"(Y/n)? It's Jisoo." You see the blurry figure that is Jisoo come out of the kitchen. "Why are you up so early?"


"Yeah!" he says, guiding you through the kitchen to what seems to be a dining area. "It's 6 in the morning." You take a seat at the dining table.

"I guess it's just because I went to sleep so early..."

"That makes sense."

You smile "yeah..."

You pause for a minute. "Jisoo, why are you up so early?"

"Oh I was making breakfast for everybody."

"Oh, ok."

You continue to small talk whilst Jisoo prepares breakfast. After about half an hour, it's nearly done. "I'm going to go wake up the younger ones. Do you mind waking Seungcheol and Jeonghan? Seungcheol's on the couch in the main room, Jeonghan's in that room over there." Jisoo takes your hand and points it towards what must be a door. "Okay?"


You knock on the door to Jeonghan's room. "Hello? It's time to wake up!" You hear a sigh as you open the door and peer inside. "Jeonghan? Jisoo told me to wake you."

"Okay, I'll be up in a bit."


You close the door again and head to the main room to wake Seungcheol. You see his blurry figure asleep on the couch. "Seungcheol?"

He groans. You go and try to shake him awake. "Seungcheol! It's time for breakfast!" He buries his face under the covers. You yank them back. "Seungcheol!"

"(y/n)! I only have underpants on under this cover!"

You laugh. "Silly you!"

He chuckles. "Uh huh, silly me."

It's only about 15 minutes before you find yourself at a dining table full of hungry boys, squeezed between Seungcheol and a boy who appears to have bleached hair. They're all eating enthusiastically and talking and laughing with one other, but you can't really join in. You hardly know them. "You ok?" Seungcheol's voice brings you a little comfort. He's been so nice.


"I could introduce you if you'd like?"

"It's ok. I can't see their faces anyway."

It doesn't take very long for everyone to finish their breakfast, and they disperse. You're the last one left at the table. You and Seungcheol, that is.

"Slow eater, aren't you?" he jokes. He finished his breakfast with everyone else, but came back to keep you company.

"I guess."

"When you're done, you can change back into your own clothes. Then we'll go shopping, yeah?"


Ahh, it feels so nice to be in clean, well-fitting clothes. They've been washed, dried and ironed... ah. You begin to think about everything Seungcheol has done for you so far. He's just so nice... It's hard to believe his generosity towards you. "Are you ready to go?"

You smile. "Yep!"

"Cool, okay!"

You walk to the bus stop with him, and before long you are getting off at the mall. It's so big. The first place you go to is the optometrists, which is on the 2nd floor. You step on to the escalator next to Seungcheol. "(y/n) be careful! You're on the--" Before he can finish, the escalator step lifts. Air rushes past you as you fall backwards... into Seungcheol's arms. Time slows. He's leaning awkwardly forwards, with one foot a step lower than the other and his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. His face is close enough to yours for you to get your first reasonable look at him. His skin is so perfect. His lips are red, but he doesn't look as if he's wearing make-up. He smells a bit like green tea.

{hiatus - im sorry} "Are you alright?" - SEVENTEEN SEUNGCHEOL FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now