Chapter 4

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It's been a week now, and you haven't seen so much of Seungcheol. He's been busy training with the rest of the group, so you've mostly stayed inside, trying to find some sort of viable skills that could get you hired. You haven't had much luck. It's Saturday today though, so maybe Seungcheol won't be as busy? You sigh. Mustn't get your hopes up, he is an idol after all. Hm.

You think for a minute. You haven't even heard any of his songs yet.

You get out of bed and walk to the door, opening it slightly. Chan, Seungkwan and Hansol are sitting playing cards with a few of the other boys. They look up as you come in. "Oh, (y/n)... um," starts Chan, "We already had breakfast but there's some left for you. Do you want it?"

You grin "Yes!"

Chan smiles. "Okay come on."

He shows you your breakfast and you eat it thankfully. "Yummm!" you exclaim.

"It's Jisoo's cooking," says Chan.

You smile "of course," and Chan smiles back.

Not knowing what else to do, you sit down on the couch behind Chan and Hansol, and spend the next couple of minutes watching the boys play cards. After a couple of games, Hansol stands up. "I'm going to go work on my rap now, okay?"

The others nod, "sure."

You remain silent, watching him as he walks up the stairs. He pauses. "Hey, (y/n), do you wanna come see my rap? I'm not supposed to show anyone before it's done, but I also need advice..."

Your face brightens. "Really? That'd be awesome."

He smiles. "Cool!"

You follow him upstairs and into another room. There's a desk with a laptop, a bucket hat and paper scattered everywhere.

"Sorry for the mess..." he apologizes.

You smile "it's fine."

"Um, this is what I got so far," he says, opening up the laptop and showing you a word document. "It goes like this..."

Whoa, you think, as he raps. He keeps the beat perfectly, and the words just seems to flow somehow. It's great. "That's amazing..." you tell him.

"You really think so?" he blushes a little.

"Hell yeah! How do you even do that?"

"Um," Hansol pauses, "I could try and teach you if you want."

"Oh yeah, you mentioned earlier...."

"Yeah! A rap lesson! So you're in?"


He shows you a few vocal warmups. They sound silly and you feel silly doing them, but he assures you this is what you're supposed to do. You try rapping together a bit, and he laughs. "You're trying too hard. Relax."

After following his instructions, he claps his hands together. "Whoa! You're actually really good..."

You look at him, confused. "Really?"

"Yeah!" he exclaims, "Ever thought about being a rapper?"

"Not really..."

"Haha, well, maybe you should. You've got a bit of talent."

You blush, but stay silent.

"Um, Hansol?"


"Where's Seungcheol?"

"Ah, he went to the practice room to work, along with Jihoon and Soonyoung."

{hiatus - im sorry} "Are you alright?" - SEVENTEEN SEUNGCHEOL FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now