Chapter 3

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You walk out of the change rooms. Seungcheol is standing outside, waiting for you. He's wearing blue jeans, white sneakers and a white shirt. His hair is white with a bit of purple, and styled up. His eyes are large and friendly. He smiles awkwardly. "How are they?" You stand in silence for a while, taking him in.

"They're... they're good."

He chuckles, observing you staring at him. "Finally know what I look like, huh?"

Your can feel the blood rushing to your face, making you blush. "Yeah..."

"Well, I hope I'm not too much of a disappointment."

You look up in surprise. How could he be possibly be disappointment? He's been the nicest person to you, he let you into his home and offered you his food and bought you glasses...


You shake yourself out of your thoughts. "Seungcheol... You're adorable..."

Now it's his turn to blush and look at his shoes. "Come on, let's get you some new clothes. Yeah?"

You grin. "Yeah!" He grins back and you head off into the store.

"Okay, how about you go find some, uhh, underwear... and I'll see how well I can pick out clothes for you?"

You laugh. "Okay, good luck."

He chuckles, but doesn't reply.

It doesn't take you long to find what you need in terms of underwear, and soon you're back with Seungcheol again. He hands you an armful of clothes. "Try them on!"

His enthusiasm makes you giggle. "Okay!"

The first outfit is light blue jeans, ripped a little, with the bottoms rolled up, paired with a white shirt, with lace along the bottom. You look at yourself in the mirror. Messy hair, pale skin and eye rings aside, you look... great. You turn around, and make some cute winking/peace sign poses at the mirror, admiring the way you look. Wow. "You gonna show me?" You hear Seungcheol's voice from the other side of the change room door. You open the door and show him. He just... stares. "Wow..."

You give him a warm smile. "You picked well."

"It's not hard to pick clothes for someone who makes everything look good."

You look down at your shoes, blushing again. "Seungcheol..."

"It's true!"

You dart back into the change rooms to try the next thing on, and show him. No matter what you wear, he seems to think it looks good. Denim shorts, pastel skirt, galaxy print tee... Everything he's picked has a cute but casual feel to it, and you like it. "I love all of it." You tell him.



He laughs. "That makes things easy then, doesn't it?"

You smile back. "Uh huh!"

He promptly pays for everything, and you wander out of the shop. "You hungry? It's nearly lunchtime, and there's a food court just down here."

"Haven't you already bought me enough?" you ask anxiously. After all, he's spent an enormous amount of money on you as it is.

"Nope!" he replies cheerfully, making you smile. Sweet, sweet Seungcheol.

You both choose your lunch and then sit down together at a table to eat. After a short time of silent eating, Seungcheol asks you a question. "(y/n), how did you end up in such an unfortunate situation?"

You breath out heavily.

"I was having trouble in my senior year of high school. Exams were coming up and the stress was getting to me. I sort of started eating way more than I ever did, and quickly became overweight. My diet was bad, so I got acne all over my face. I ended up failing a test, and my parents lost it. They chucked me out."

{hiatus - im sorry} "Are you alright?" - SEVENTEEN SEUNGCHEOL FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now