"Life As Usual

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Pic Is Ryan

"Hmm...maybe you should try to put it in like this." She pondered.

"NO, you don't wanna break it!" I said as she tried to figure out a way to fix a bent screw for our tech class project.

"Well I'm sorry, but we need to figure out away to get this done! We're like an hour behind everyone else." She said throwing her hands up in the air as if to signal defeat.

"Look Mir, watch the master wood worker as he perfects his craft." I said grinning and grabbing the project which was a 2 foot long plane model. I nodded. "From the extensive observations and research I've done...I've come to deduce...that the screw is bent." I said in a matter of fact way.

"Well I've come to deduce...that you're an idiot." Mir said burying her face in her palms.

"Old news darling, very old news." I said. "Try to get Simon to help us out."

She signaled Simon to come over to our table and sure enough he did.

"What?" He asked in annoyance.

"Problem. Me no like. Fix." I said handing him the screw and plane.

"Ok, I've come to figure out to things. Both of which are common sense. One, Ryan....you're an idiot. Two, why don't you guys just get a new screw?" He said.

"One, You're late if you're just figuring out that Ryan's an idiot. Two, we were given a limited amount of supplies. We have no more screws left." Mir sighed.

"Oh I see...well maybe I can try to snea-"

"Not to worry my good friends. I'm basically a ninja. I can sneak up there without anyone even noticing." I said.

"You're an idiot" Simon said. "But against my better judgement, I'm gonna watch you fail purely because I know it's gonna be amusing." He said chuckling.

"You're faith in me is too low my friends. You shall be amazed." I said tip toe-ing up to the desk.

"I give him 15 seconds til he embarrasses himself." Simon said leaning over towards Mir.

"Mueh, I give him 7." She said shrugging.

"RYAN KILLDRIVER!!!!" The teacher yelled.

"Wow! only 4 seconds? Is this a new record?" Simon asked.

"I think." Mir responded.

I froze astounded. This teacher must be trained in the art of ninja tracking or something. "Could you not say my last name please? It makes me sound like some sort of crazy serial killer!" I said embarrassed.

"Just go back to your seat." The teacher said sighing and returning to his papers.

I turned around, walking back to my seat slowly in a dramatic hunched position. " I swear you have psychic powers Simon, you probably made that happen."

"Bro! This is the 10th time that this has happened...today...in this block..." Simon said shaking his head.

"Whatever" I mumbled. "You're making it sound like I'm some badly written book character or something."

"Ugh, can't the bell just ring already?" Simon asked.


"Seriously...how is no one noticing this." I said gesturing to Simon, who has now been confirmed to be a wizard.

"Because you're dumb." Simon said.

"You're being meaner than usual today!" I whined.

"Must be the full moon, I don't know." he laughed.

"It's noon time..." I said rolling my eyes as we exited the room.

We headed to lunch, with all of us being silent. Silence surrounded by rowdy, horny, crazy teenagers. It seems like I never get to enjoy the silence of anything anymore...probably cause I'm never silent when I'm around my friends.

"Silence...isn't it just beautiful Ry? It's almost as if it puts all the worlds problems to rest. Don't ya think?"

My memory of that moment flashed in and out of my mind. It left as quick as it came, but what stayed was a tear starting to form in my eye.

"Ethan..." the word almost forced itself out my mouth. I don't know if I was gonna cry or not, but it all wiped from my mind as I fell over.

I felt an arm grab me and pull me back up. "Be-careful dude. You almost embarrassed yourself there." I turned around to see the face a boy who looked about my age.

"Sorry!" I said shocked. Still noticing his hand on my arm, I abruptly removed it and started brushing off my shirt and shorts nervously. "I'm sorry I held you up, the lines are twice as long now."

"Oh it's fine, don't worry. School food sucks anyway." he said dismissing the comment with a wave and smile. He put his hands behind his head brushing through his blonde, shiny hair.

He gave a slight grin. "I'm Kennedy and I'm new here. Do you mind if I sat with you at your table today? I...uh don't really have someone to sit with." He said with almost an embarrassed tone to his voice.

I nodded a bit nervously and led him over to our table. Mir and Simon were already there.

"Who's that? He's kinda cute." Mir said twirling her hair around her finger.

"Uh-Oh. Mir only acts like a girl when she's about to go full-on stalker mode." Simon said.

Well...Simon just made a mistake.

She cocked her head in a sporadic manner. "So Simon...I'm a stalker? Then maybe I should stalk you every day and night...slowly driving you insane. Then finally...I will take my butche-"

"OK! OK! I'M SORRY!" Simon said getting scared.

She cocked her head back to the new kid. "So...you free tomorrow night?"

"Sorry...um...I have plans. Thank you." he said putting his head down.

Simon snarked though was quickly calmed down by Mir's stare.

"Sorry...as you see I have a Serial killer and an idiot for best friends." I said leaning towards him a bit. I sighed. "Life as usual."

A.N. Hello there. I do hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my story. And IF you are wondering if this is a copy or rip off of Harlemboy's story...its not..cause I'm him.

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