"Thanks for the ride home"

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"Thanks for the ride home Kennedy." I said getting in his car. It was a nice care, comfy and all. I'm not sure what type to be honest. I'm not good with cars.

"Yeah, no problem." He said giving me a smirk while glancing at me. He pulled off out of the drive and on to the road.

"Hey, Ryan?" He asked braking from the silence that had been going on for a bit at this point.

"Yeah?" I asked a bit nervous. To be frank, I've felt a little nervous ever since I met him today.

"I'm happy we met." He said calmly, but the smallest hint of emotion crept through his voice.

"I guess I'm happy we met too." I said not quite expecting him to say that.

Does he like me? No way. He couldn't....

"So I believe this is your house." He said pulling in my driveway. He nodded while pulling out his phone to check a couple of his messages.

I started to get out the car but before I could make my way out, I heard Kennedy mutter something.

"Hey...um Ryan? My parents have some people over for a business board discussion. Could I stay here for a bit?" He asked a little nervously while scratching the back of his head.

I didn't really know what to say. But I guess nothing could go too wrong right?

Eventually all I could stutter was "g-gimme a sec." I said walking nervously into my house.

"MOM!" I yelled.

"WHAT!" She yelled mockingly back to me while walking down the stairs. What'd ya need hun?"

"Um...can I invite a friend inside." I asked.

She had a blank expression. "Is he a stalker or Ethan?" She asked with concern.

"Not this time." I said letting out a sad chuckle.

Her worried expression changed from worried to a smirk. "Is he your boyfriend?" She said imposingly.

My face heated up. "NO MOM, HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" I said embarrassed.

"Calm down, either way. Mama is gonna watch the new glee episode so you can invite him in. But remember, no closed doors." She said giving me a look.

I stuck half my body outside the door to signal Kennedy to come inside.

"So is everything ok? I heard you yelling." he said raising an eyebrow.

If only you knew what I we were talking about.

I led him up to me room making sure not to close the door.

"Nice place you've got here. I like it!" He said dragging out the 'I'.

I sat and laid back on my bed. "So what do you wanna do?" I said trying to keep a cool demeanor.

But in my mind, I'm just like: Hot guy. Cute Eyes. Must bring under covers. Hormones engage.

Yeah, I'm secretly a pervert under the cover of a shy closet gay guy under the cover of a spastic, unpredictable idiot with the serial killer name for a last name...Just try and figure me out...

"Well I guess we could just talk, I don't know. Kinda tired to be honest." He said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"So are you just going to sleep now?" I asked out of mild curiosity.

"Yeah I guess." Today has been a long day he said walking over to the spare bed.

I watched him as he laid under the white sheets. He looked so peaceful. Like a sleeping angel. And.....I caught myself looking at his ass. My mind and me are two different entities I swear.

Anyway...I needed to think this through.

I sighed but eventually peeked back over to Kennedy. He was fast asleep.

"I swear, if Mir was here, I'm sure she'd be doing...things...to him. Not that I would let that happen.

He's mine. I know that seems a little possessive. But when I'm with him, my primal nature comes out.

I sent a text to Mir.

Me: Mir, I think I like Kennedy...

She responded rather quickly and our conversation ensued.


Me: Am I really that obvious? :(

Mir: Obvious? No, you practically yelled it today.

Me: ...ugh

Mir: Ry, I say this because I care. Get da booty.

Me: You're a perv.

Mir: Aren't we all?

I put my phone back in my pocket and sighed. I pulled out my MP3 player and started to play the recent songs.

"We're on an open bed truck on the highway

The rain is coming down and we're on the run

Think I can feel the breath in your body

We gotta keep on running 'til we see the sun"

I nodded my head to the beat of The Fray's soothing words.

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch.

"What're you doing?" My mom asked as I sat next to her.

"I'm watching Glee with you. Let's see what Kurt does about Blaine." I said with a sigh.


We heard someone coming downstairs though they paused half way.

"Hey Ryan!" I heard Kennedy caused.

I turned around and glanced at him. "Yeah?"

"Come up to your room for a second. I think I lost something." He said with a small smirk that seemed like he was trying to hide.

I sighed and walked back up to my room.

Kennedy closed the door behind me and I instantly tensed up.

"What's going on?" I said a bit nervous.

"I have a question and I'm not sure how you're gonna take it." He said making me instantly go pale.

"And that question is..." I said even more nervous.

"Are you gay?" he whispered loudly.

And that's when I felt my heart beat out of my chest.

A.N. - Oh my...it seems like Ryan has found himself in quite the situation. How does Kennedy know? Will he expose Ryan? Or am I over exaggerating....that's probably it.

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