"Not the way I'd describe it"

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Picture is Kennedy

"Personally I find them funny. Your life must certainly be...entertaining." Kennedy said as he sat down.

"Entertaining is not exactly the way I would describe it. But it certainly keeps me from being bored." I said giving Mir and Simon a knowing look on how exactly "entertaining" my life is.

"Well, Mir, Simon. I'm Kennedy, nice to meet you." Kennedy said giving a bright smile. "I just moved from Miami last week."

"Really? Wow, living here must be different. It's cloudy almost everyday and, rains a lot." Simon explained. Though after thinking about it, he was right. Our city is nothing like Miami, I hope he likes it here.

"Ryan, you're spacing out. Are you OK?" Kennedy asked waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped back into reality after shaking my head a bit.

"He does that a lot. Hang around him and you'll get use to it." Simon said casually.

"I'm sorry. It's just that, I was thinking." I said stuttering so bad I felt that I would die of embarrassment.

 He gave a small smile before waving his hand in a dismissive manner. "Don't worry, I completely understand. I get lost in thought sometimes too. Though I guess I really only get lost in thought when I'm thinking about space." he said getting slightly more excited while mentioning 'space'.

"You're interested in space?" I asked.

If his expression wasn't bright before, it was ecstatic now. "I love the idea of space! The whole galaxy and other worlds concept really fascinates me!" 

"Nerd." Simon muttered.

"Simon shut up or I'll tell him about your obsession with football video games!" I said.

"AT LEAST THAT'S COOL!" Simon whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Well space is cooler!" I said giving him an affirmative nod. 

"I think Ryan has a crush." Mir said laughing a bit.

"I do not! Besides, even IF I did. You just mentioned it too early. There needs to be more build up!" I defended.

"Mir, he's doing that thing where he thinks everything is a show or performance." Simon sighed.

"It makes moments..." I took a pause. "More dramatic!" I said waving my hand.

"Cause you certainly need more drama in your life right?" Simon uttered.

My mind flashed at what he said and dipped into my memories of that day.

"Oh stop being so dramatic, it's not gonna help the situation! So you might as well stop crying. You look like a pathetic lost puppy."

I flashed back in as quickly as I left. Simon gave an apologetic look on his face as soon as he noticed.

We muttered casual comments here and there throughout lunch though nothing significant came up. We finished our lunch and started heading towards class. 

"So, me and Mir have Mrs. Crossman's, so we'll see you later." Simon said while him and Mir walked towards the opposite end of the hall.

"Well I guess we don't wanna be late for English." I said nodding to Kennedy. He nodded in agreement and we walked in comforting silence to our classroom. 

He paused before we walked in alerting me to do so. I was just about to ask him 'what's wrong?' but before I could he abruptly chuckled and opened the door leaving me a little confused.

Probably nothing. I thought to myself.


"Hey dude? Class is over, you can wake up now." I heard a familiar voice call before shaking me. I sprung up to see Kennedy hovering above me through my blurry vision.

The entire class was empty, even the teacher was gone. "I left to go to the office before class ended, and the teacher left before the students." He said explaining the situation. 

"Wait, how long is it after class?" I asked confused.

"About twenty minutes." He said with a sigh. "Last bus left three minutes ago."

"Damn it." I said looking at the 10 text messages from Simon and Mir on my phone. "I guess they thought I took the bus or something."

"Well I drove here. Want me to drop you off at your place?" He offered. 

I nodded shyly and we both walked out the school.

"So...how's life?" I said trying to make casual conversation. 

He glanced at me before returning his gaze back to his car. "Pretty good he said with a smile."

Short chapter? Yes.

Move the story foward? More than you know.

Expect more soon? Yes.

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