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Charlie sits on her bed, tossing her phone around in the air. She had dialed Joe's number numerous amounts of times, but never got the courage to actually call him. She tried talking herself into it, and she even tried going to his house to talk to him. All of her plans failed.

When she went to his house, he was never there and she was always too afraid to ask Frank to have him call her. So, now she is sitting on her bed, completely desperate. The girl tried asking Patrick for help, but realized that might be rude—talking to her ex-boyfriend about making up with his best friend so they could date.

She groans loudly and tosses her phone somewhere, making a loud clanging noise. Charlie hears something zip up and immediately looks over to her window. Her shade has come up—probably from her throwing her phone at it—and she notices that Joe's shade is also up. He sits next to it, holding his phone in his lap. He doesn't look up, probably assuming that her shade was still down.

Charlie quietly pads over to the window, watching him intently. He mouths something over and over again, almost as if he were practicing a speech. She looks closely, trying to make out any words he is saying and gasps when she realizes what he's talking about.

He said her name.

Charlie grabs her phone and quickly dials his number, this time going through with the call. She knew he could be saying her name because of something bad, but it could also be about something good. She couldn't miss out on the chance.

She looks out of her window and watches as Joe's eyes go wide, noticing the caller ID. He fumbles for the button to answer the call. "Hello?" he answers, slightly out of breath.

"Look outside your window," she states. He turns his head and his eyes go wide once more, realizing that she could've been looking at him the entire time. He opens his mouth to speak, but Charlie already knows what he was going to say. "Yes, I saw. Can you come over?"

He tells her to wait a minute as he rushes out of his room, probably to ask his father. He comes back in, running, with a large smile on his face. "I'll be over in two minutes." The line goes dead and she sees him put shoes on and run out of his room once again.

Charlie looks at herself in her in her floor-length mirror. She runs her fingers through her long hair, hoping to get rid of some of the tangles. She smooths out her blue dress that her mom bought her when she got home.

Within moments of the teen girl sitting down on her bed, Joe walks in the door. His hair was slightly disheveled, and his shirt was wrinkled.

He must've really rushed over here.

"Hey," Charlie smiles nervously.

"Hi," he replies, cautiously sitting on the end of her bed. She scoots closer to him, their arms brushing against each other from time to time.

There is a silence, and the girl takes that as her time to speak. "Look, I just wanted to apologize. I know what I did to you was wrong. I should have never hurt you like that. But, if I'm being honest, I was sort of drawn to Patrick. It was around the time you were being really distant, and he was the one there to listen to me cry over you."

"You cried over me?"

"Well, yeah," Charlie mutters, looking at her hands. Joe leans over and presses his lips to hers, slightly pushing her down on the bed. She brings her hand up to the nape of his neck, grabbing the tiny hairs there. The girl laughs as his moustache tickles her lip. "You still haven't shaved that thing?" she laughs.

"Hell no. It makes me a man."

"You're so right," she laughs again, pulling him down to kiss him again. Joe's hand travels down her body, outlining the shape of it.

"I'm really sorry," he says, breaking the kiss. He still hovers over her, looking at her freckles and green eyes. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I shouldn't have pushed you and Patrick away. I shouldn't have become such a douchebag."

"I forgive you, Joe. Just don't let it happen again, okay?"

"I promise." He pecks her lips before looking at her again. "So, are we-"


"Yeah," he replies sheepishly. Charlie just connects their lips again, flipping him over so she was straddling him. She places her hand over his heart and feels his erratic heartbeat.

"Does that answer your question?" He nods furiously and brings her in for a hug. They lay there, tangled in each other and smile. They made a silent promise that day that nothing was going to come in between them.

And they always kept that promise.


Word Count: 828

This book is finally finished, and I'm so sad.  It's been awesome writing this story.

And I'm so happy that I've gotten so many reads and comments and votes.  Thank you guys so much for reading.  

I love you all xoxox

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