Chapter 2

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Danielle's POV

"Liam. I think we should...take a break..." I say as we sit in the movie theatre, waiting for the movie to start.

"Whoa. What?" Liam asks with pure disbelief in his eyes.

"I just think you know maybe we would see other people. We have been dating for a long time and we haven't really seen anyone else. I just want us to know that we want to be together and get married before we go any further. I think the best way is to see other people. Just for a month or two maybe?" I ask. I don't know why I am doing this. I just kind of want to flirt with someone and I doubt he will flirt back but I just wanna be free of a relationship for a little bit. I love Liam. I do. He is my world. But I just need some time to myself, to do what I want and not focus on everyone else's drama.

"A-Are you sure this is what you want Dani?" He asks softly. I nod. I hope this is the right choice. "Friends for now?"

"Friends," I agree.

"Then lets watch the movie as friends and then we can go on from there?" Liam suggests.

"Okay!" I smile. He is so understanding.


Liam's POV

see others people? She is tired of me now? She doesn't wanna see me? She loves someone else now? I am not good enough? I can't say anything though. I met a girl yesterday. I talked to her at the park. We clicked. I could feel a connection. A connection that Dani and I don't have. The girl and I were so alike yet different in some ways. Like she likes to joke around and I like to stay serious but I can let loose every once in a while. She has ADD and I have OCD. But she is in a band and so am I. She likes the same music I like. She is beautiful and sweet and funny and smart and cool and fun and responsible and respectful and carefree and compassionate. I just. I can't even. My mind has not thought of anything but her since I met her. She is only staying here for a while though. Then she has to move back to Florida with her friends. She told me how they saved enough money to come here. I haven't met her friends because I thought that might be to relationshipy. And no matter how much of a connection I have with her I still hav- had- a girlfriend and I am not a two timer. I just can't stop thinking about her. Her name repeats itself in my head. Ale. Ale. Ale. Ale. Ale. I like Ale.


Niall's POV

I sit on my bed with my phone in my hands. I need to call her sometime. I have only texted her and I don't wanna ask her out over text. I tap on er number and my thumb hovers over the call button. I sigh and lock the screen. No! I need to do this! I unlock it and start to press te button. But then stop. I lock it. Come on! I unlock it and almost press the button. My hands are shaky and sweaty. I wipe the palms on my jeans. I tal the call button and then hit end. I cant! I shout in anger as I fall back on my bed. My parents are in Ireland to visit so they can't hear me scream or they would be up here by now wondering why I was shouting. Why can't I just freaking call her? Ok. I can do this. I can I can i can. I press the call button and wait.

"Hello?" I hear her voice on the other end.

"Bailey? This is erm Niall." I say. Please remember me.

"Oh hey. Niall. Yeah it's erm Bailey."I can hear a smile as she talks. I take a deep breat with a grin on my face.

"I was uh wondering is maybe you know you could

Erm maybe you wanted to go with me to erm get lunch possibly? If you can't or don't want to them that is perfectly fine but I thought I should ask-"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" She interupts my ramble.

"Maybe," I say boldly.

"I would love to." She says. I throw my fists in the air in victory. The phone drops to the floor. "Oops." I pick it up. "Can I pick you up?"

"Meet me at the park in fifteen". She says.

"Ok." I hang up. Yes yes yes yes!!!!!!


Baileys POV

yes yes yes! I am going on a date with Niall! I squeal happily on my bed. What am i going to wear? Oh no. I wal to my tiny Dorm room closet. Pink pink pink. Is that all my mom buys me? I flip through the band tee shirts. I need to be a but fancy at least. I decide on a black pencil skirt and a red frilly tank top. I slip on some silver TOMS, black bangle bracelets, a heart shaped locker from my seventeen year old brother, and lip gloss. I grab my wallet and my keys and my phone before walking out the door. I drive to the park ad wait. Niall shows seven minutes early. We leave and I can honestly say it was the best date ever.


Louis POV

I laugh at another joke older Marissa says to Max as she holds him in her lap. Zayn is still in the bathroom. Little Marissa is sitting in my lap.

"So Zayn doesn't know we are related?" I ask her. Older Marissa- Mars- shakes her head. Marissa giggles in my lap as she pokes my belly button. I chuckle and take her hand. She starts playing with my fingers.

"You have smooth skin," she says. I laugh.

"Thanks." I smile and tap her nose with my free hand. She giggles and continues to play with my fingers.

"It hasn't really come up." Mars says. I nod

"So. I saw Dad in the hospital." I say.

"What happened?"

"Not much. We talked about pointless stuff. I'm sorry about your um-"

"Thanks. We weren't too close but we talked some." She says. "I just can't believe she has a Tumor"

"Yeah. I'm sorry. But Zayn is treating you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah. I don't really know's going anywhere past friends. Really. I don't feel that way. He is cool ad stuff but I have someone else in mind." Jealous thought race through my head.

"Who?" I ask.

"No one" she giggles. Zayn walks back in.

"Can I talk to you?" He says to Mars. She stands and walks to him. I eavesdrop.

"I think we should break up. Because. I see how you look at louis. Alright? I can see that you love him. I see it in your eyes." He says in a rush.

"But Zayn, I have to tell you something...Louis is my step brother,half brother whatever. I met hi on vacation one day and we hit it off. Then we found out that we were siblings and I broke it off. I knew Troy would do it for me if I didn't. Troy is my father." She says. Wow. She loves me according to Zayn and she actually told Zayn everything. Wow.

"We'll that is a shocking twist. An you love him? As in more than a brother?" Zayn asks.

".....yes...." She answers.

"We'll then go get him." He says. I hear her laugh and she runs to me.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She asks me suddenly.

"No" I say.

"Do you like someone?"




She smiles and kisses me. I stand and kiss her back. Finally.

I love my step brother (BOOK 2 of Harry Styles) (One Direction ff)Where stories live. Discover now