33 3 2

Mike: *Dresses up in pink princess Dress* I hate my life...

Vincent: Come on Scottie Boy~

Scott:Noooooo! I will get revenge!!!

Vincent: *Drags Scott into closet*

Jeremy:*puts hot boiling water above Door*

Fritz:*Walks trough Door and gets burned by the Boiling water* HOT!!!! HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!! HHHOOOTTT!!!!

Jeremy: S-Sorry F-Fritz!!!

Thea:*Get ice cold water and pours it on Fritz*

Fritz:Thank that's much better!

Thea: Your welcome!

*7 minutes later*

Scott: *Runs out of closet and hugs Thea* Vincent licked me!!!


Vincent: Thea and Scott sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G- *Gets a bucket of needles poured on him* AHHHHHHH!!!!!

Jeremy: B-be N-nice V-Vincent!

Thea: *hugs Jeremy* Thanks JereBear!

Everyone except Me and Jeremy: -_-

Jeremy: >///<

Thea: :3

Mike: *walks over to me still in fabulous Princess outfit* I blame you entirely for this... -_-

FritZ: almost Forgot be right back! *Goes to buffet and steals all of the food and runs back* I'm back!

Everyone except Fritz: What the-!!

Fritz: *shares with EVERYONE even the readers* here you go everyone!

Scott: Where did you-

Thea and Reader: Who cares free food!!!

Vincent: oh and Scott you have to be my servant for 3 more questions.

Scott: Dang it!!! -_-

Fnaf ask and/or Dare Thea , Victoria and The fnaf security Guards CLOSED FOR NOWWhere stories live. Discover now