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Disclaimer:Some charecters do not belong to me but belong to JK Rowling.

A/N Hi my name is Kathy and this is my first story i really hope you like it cause it took me a lot of courage to post this.My cousin Michi1997 helped me so hope you like it :)

"Gir go and get the mail."Zim orderd.

"Ok."Gir said in his gleeful voice.Gir went iut side to the wierd looking front yard and came back into the freaky house.

"Gir bring it to me now !" Zim yelled in command.

"FINE!!!!"Gir yelled.

"I got mail!!!!"Gir cheered.

"From who?" Zim asked.

"Oh i know it must be from HOGWARTS school of witchcraft and wizardary." Gir yells and dances a funky dance.

"Gir stop dancing! What is Hogwarts and how did you get into Hogwarts?"

"Well if you must know, last friday i was owling my cousin Harry Potter, the famose wizard who defeated he who-must-not-be-named, Harry said i should go to Hogwarts so i owled Professor Dumbledore and he said 'I would be delighted to have you attend.' And i was showing signs of magic!Then i fell asleep. That is how i got into Hogwarts!"

"So did you get in the school?"


"So how will you go there exactly?"

"The thing that goes up in the sky."

"Gir that is an air plane.So can i come?"

"I dont know?"

"Did you ask if i could come?"

"NO. Well there is one thing i can do."

"What Gir what could we possibly do?"Zim asked rather annoyed.

"Go to the Hedwig."

"What is that?"

"My cousins owl.That's how i talk to him i have to write a letter."

Dear Harry Potter,

Its me gir, well i was wondering if zim could come to hogwarts with me? Because he wanted to come too.I can't wait for Hogwarts!!I hope they have cupcakes!!!

With love cupcakes,cookies,monkies,and walffles!!!! 


P.S when do i leave and where do i get my things?

An hour later, Zim saw somthing fly by"It's here!"He cried. He then snatched the letter it said

Dear Gir,

Zim may come with you to Hogwarts .You should start packing because we as in Ron,Fred,George,and i will pick you up tommorow at 10:00 p.m.We will get your first year school supplies at Diagon ally which is an ally not known to muggles.I can't wait to see you.


-Harry Potter

"Lets start packing!"Gir screams with joy.

 "What are you bringing gir?"

"Lots of things like, teddybear, diary and lots of other stuff."

"Well i am packing things that may be at use at hogwarts."

The next day it's Zim and Gir's big day to go to hogwarts.

"Yea rock on hogwarts!!!!!"

"Gir, a little to much."


"One more minute and we leave on the plane.Gir did you buy one of those maps of hagwarts?"

"Ops no i bought an iphone insted"

"You what?"Zim asked raising his voice slightly.

"I said i bought an iphone insted. But it has a hologram map app  on it ."

"Wait why is there a car coming closer to us?"

"I don't know...Wait! Its Harry!"Gir said running towards the car and got hit by it but, he was fine.

"Hi harry!"Gir yelled loud enough to pop Harry's eardrums.

"Hi Gir. You must be zim i am Harry potter this is Ron,Fred, and George Weasly."Harry said slightly smiling.

"Hello.What time will we get there?"Zim questioned Harry. "In the mornig."Answered Fred. "Ok i am going to sleep."

"So will i."Said Harry and Ron at the same time. "But before you go to sleep are you hungry?"George asked."Yes!I want waffles!!!"Squeled Gir.

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