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Gir sat in Gryffindor common room acting like a squrriel...

"Hmm...I wonder what Zim is doing?" Gir wondered and left to search for Zim.

Gir looked for an hour until he concluded that Zim must be in the Slytherin common room. And sure enough he was. He was sitting on the couch next to a blond boy with mercury colored eyes discussing about mudbloods and the Weasly's.

"HI ZIM!" Gir greets loudly and cheerfully.

"Oh hi Gir. This is Draco Malfoy." Zim said pointing to the blond.

"Hi Draco! What's up? Isn't there a constellation named Draco the dragon?"

"Nothing much and yes there is a constellation named Draco the Dragon." Draco said looking somewhat vexed about Gir's over-joyfulness.

"Cool! I wish i was named after a constallation...Wait a sec!" Gir exclaimed and ran to the library.

6 BORING HOURS LATER!  "Okay i am back! " I went to the library to get a book about constellations! Look here's Draco the Dragon. "Zim when will he stop? ( said the blonde) 

" i don't know? ( zim said) "Does he do this every time? "Sorry i have to belive so? *sigh*

" You guys i am going to my room. (Said Gir)  " okay. siad Zim 

While Gir was walking he had remembered that he had brought a laptop.

"When i get in my room i will play Facebook! ( said Gir) 

"Okay, i need to sign in. What was my password again?" oh, yeah now i remember.

"I got 13 friend requests!! "Yes,yes, yes totally!!

And i got 2 requests to farmville and treasureville!! 

"Okay... "How do i play?? " Now i get it. While Gir was playing on facebook Draco was telling Zim not to hang with Gir that he is just to cheerful.  

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