#15 - Will you have me? |Part 2|

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A\N - there will be no updates for two weeks as I am going on vacation, but I look forward to continuing when I'm back :) If you're lucky there may be another one before I go...


After your little explanation, Benedict carried you in his car in a bridal style, since you were asleep.

He placed you in the front passenger seat and you sucked on your thumb like a child. Moaning, you began to twist and turn, quickly waking up with a gasp. Looking left, you noticed Benedict driving home, looking a bit flustered.

"H-hey..." He stuttered, a small smile emerging from his face. You were still feeling a bit dizzy, so you were still drunk.

"Wha... What's happening?" He gulped hard and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, I'm taking you back home, you need to sleep it off..." You sighed, folding your arms tightly.

A few moments past and you arrived back at Benedict's house. You got out of the car, your footing all over the place. Benedict observed you and walked to you.

All of a sudden, you twisted your foot and cried out in pain, Benedict running to your assistance.

"Hey..." He stroked your face, still in mind you were drunk. "You okay?" You frowned as your emotions were all over the place.

"Yes... I'm fine." You straightened yourself, walking over to the house. "We going in?" Benedict chuckled. "What?" He pointed to the house next door.

"Wrong house dear." You mimicked his laugh, slowly swaying over to his house. "Right..." He says as he turns the key into his lock. "Let's get you inside..." Smiling the door opens and you reached your arm over his shoulder intentionally. "Sit down. I'll get some water." You sighed, placing yourself on the same sofa as before.

Looking around you sunk in the seat, kicking off your shoes.

"Here you go." Benedict gave you a glass of water, hoping that the baby growing inside you wasn't harmed. You gladly took the glass off him, gulping it down immediately. You stuffed the cup into his hands immediately, resting your head on his shoulder.

"Thanks..." He smiled. "I'm... sorry for..." You hiccuped and then rubbed your eyes, yawning. "... ruining your night..." Benedict drooped his eyes and smirked.

"Look, [Y\N], it's fine." You patted his leg.

"You're... so kind... I wish... I married a guy like you... I... love you..." It finally came out. Your eyes closed and you slept.

"I love you too, [Y\N]..." Benedict whispered.


It was the next morning and you woke up, your head aching terribly.

"Argh..." Rubbing your head, you clinged onto the sheets on Benedict's bed. You eased up, not recalling the events of yesterday, but your mouth tasted of sick and... beer.

"Hello! Wake up sunshine!" Benedict shouted, walking into the room with a carrier bag and he wore a blue jacket.

"Wha... What time is it?"

"It's about ten in the morning." He sat on the bed. "Do you remember anything?" You licked your teeth.

"No... But, my... mouth tastes funny." He laughed. "Why? What do you know?"

"It doesn't matter." He reached into his coat pocket, taking out a box. "I have two presents for you." He handed you the rather small box. "Open it." Bitting his lip, you opened it and it revealed a beautiful sapphire ring. "[Y\N], [Y\L\N]... Would you do the honour of becoming my wife?" Your jaw dropped open. It was over whelming and quick, but you loved him so much.

"Y-y-yes! Yes!" He simpered, pulling you in for a kiss. "What's my other present?"

"It's in the bag." Squealing, you opened the bag.

It was...


A... pregnancy test.

What? You thought.


Hope you enjoyed that!

Please vote, share and comment ;)

Have a nice day :D


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