AOT:vamp!Levi x reader

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~Well this turned out longer than what I expected it to be.. So I'll just separate it into chapters :) enjoy chap 1 :D~

The rain fell heavier on the roof tops, ironically enough she was the happiest she could be. Yet another evening was enveloping the world that was spreading beneath her eye sight but it was all perfectly bright into that darkness for her. She was standing close to her window with just some candles lit. She welcomed the chilly air that was sneaking in her room from that gap in her wall, providing a perfect view of the city for her to enjoy. However, what she was observing was not the dim lights or the passengers who were frantically searching for shelter. Her eye leads closed as she turned her back on the slowly dying neighbourhood. The shadows casted from the trembling flames of the candles on her white room, seemed to form her thoughts. Wild thoughts depicting her inner world which was slowly now inhaling breaths of life as she typed them down on her laptop. After finishing yet another one of her stories, she began searching for some more inspiration. A peek from the window was all she needed. This time though, she couldn't go back to her dreaming state.
Her (e/c) orbs sparkled when they spotter him. That young man she had been observing on a daily bases. He was a CEO and it was around this time, every evening that he would appear behind those glassy doors, after he was done for the day. He always stood out of the building, his back against the concrete, taking in some deep breaths of fresh air and smoking one or two cigarettes, before heading home for the night. She smiled to herself, taking in his already familiar figure. Coal black hair, always well trimmed with an undercut. A white shirt buttoned up to his neck, a tie that was now loose around his shoulders, black suit and well polished expensive shoes. Strange as it was, this man was more on the punk side. She could make out the tiniest amount of black eyeliner gracing his unique gray eyes. Piercings were flattering both his lower lip and ears and she could swear that the signs of tattoos on his body were visible even from his tight collar. This was their daily rendezvous. He would always seek for her gaze before leaving and she would always wait for him to appear. This night, his mind seemed to be elsewhere. His gray eyes were clouded and even though she was looking dead on her, he wasn't really.
She needed to return a book to the library. She enjoyed walking at night, where everything seemed calmer, so she hopped into a pair of tight black jeans and a blue tank top with a jacket so that she won't catch a cold. She wore her converse and headed out. Her heart rejected the idea of leaving without stealing some glances of him. She just couldn't resist. What she saw wasn't in the ordinary routine. A sparkling stream rode down the pale skin of his. Almost as if.. Rain wanted to get a chance of touching. Then, a pair of feet, gained a mind of their own and lead her body towards his direction. The female form crossing the empty road snapped him put of his thinking. She stopped mere centimetres away from him. Before he got a chance of making some sarcastic comment to push her away from him, she offered the sunniest smile he had ever seen. His jaded eyes widened ever so slightly. "You know.. Black is not the complete absence of colour for me. It means so much.. It hides even more..and it certainly is not something to represent sadness or depression or pain, for me. Likewise, the night might seem to be the current death of everything that the day light shone upon some hours ago. Cheer up! Memories might make you feel sad. They surely attack one at night. But shouldn't we be happy that we have lived long enough to have those memories too?bad or good.. Live it all.. Feel it all" she said with a voice that brought every emotion he had ever felt back on the surface of his soul. She showed her smile for some seconds more and left for her destination. "Farlan.. Isabel.. How did she..know..." He managed to ask in between the mess of a mind he was left with. After a whole quarter of an hour, was he able to realize what had happened to him. The woman he had been exchanging that silent conversation had finally spoken to him. She approached him, walking in the rain without any protection from the cold water at all. She was standing out from everything that surrounded her, as if the road she was walking on was an angry river, destroying it all as it went on and she was walking on it, with steady steps and an extraordinary smile. To top it all, she spoke those words of hers as if she just had dived into his head, saw his inner world, suffered the pain he was suffering and yet managed to win over it. Levi tossed the now all burnt cigarette that was still placed in between his fingers. Forgetting all about work and the stormy weather, he discarded his briefcase and tie in his car and started walking towards the local library too. He was quick enough to see the book she was holding and her card laying on it. He had to meet her again. Get to know her better.
In the meantime she had already returned her book and was on her way back when she spotter a child sitting alone on the sidewalk. After checking around her for anyone who looked suspicious, she decided to go see if that little girl was alright. She approached that small ball of a human carefully but after spotting blops of blood on the ground and on the child's clothes, she dropped her guard down and ran towards her. She kneeled in front of her. Delicate fingers brushed away some strands of hair that was covering her frame. "Are you alright, little one? Can you speak?" The creature denied to speak or look at her for some reason. "I won't hurt you. Come on now, can you stand up? Do you remember who you are or what happened to you?" She asked with worry taking over her. She touched on the bloody spots on her tshirt with fear welling in her heart. The child finally raised her eyes and looked at her. "Onee-chan, this blood.. Isn't mine" an out of this universe squick exclaimed. Levi was quick on his toes. Before anything awful could happen, he covered the woman's body with his. He would not lose her too. Even though he knew nothing about her. "You filthy scum.." He growled from the back of his throat. From the looks of it, the child wasn't alone. A man planned on stubbing her and taking all of her belongings afterwards. Levi's body was being attacked by numerous stubs on his back but he dared not move away from that human he was protecting. His attacker stopped after a while, convinced that that, would do it. It would have worked like a charm, if Levi was human. Steal eyes shone dangerously as he stood up and ravished those pour excuses of people. The woman didn't see much. Her eyes were closed as everything happened too fast for her to follow. She blinked and saw her saviour on the ground, some metres away from her. This many wounds had gotten him weak. Nothing to worry about, but the months of starvation had finally started slowing him down. She ran to him. "Why would you do that?! You have a job and a life to live! A girlfriend too!" She half yelled at him looking at the ring on his finger. "This belonged to a friend. That I lost. I have no girlfriend" he replied slightly looking away when she circled an arm around his shoulders to help him up. "Okay no more words from you mister. I'm taking you home. Its the least I can do for you." They walked in silence until her apartment. She sat him on her bed and disappeared somewhere were his gaze couldn't follow. He started observing her room. Small with books all around. Not a dump, not crispy clean either. She was the artistic type. It was obvious from her way of speaking.
In her room everything had to do with art. Inks, colored pencils, aquarelle stuck on top of each other, tons of markers, acrylics, brushes canvas. He smiled to himself. The strangest thing was that despite the walls being completely bare, the ceiling was covered with green leafs and all sorts of flowers. Two fingers were drawn around her ceiling lamp. Two goddesses having their arms extended around the source of light. He was shocked when realisation hit him. Those female forms were from a very famous story, everyone was talking about. The details in that were crazy. So perfect he unconsciously stood up and tried to reach for them. She stood at the door frame, smiling softly at his actions.
He soon felt her presence and sat back down, feeling embarrassed as hell. He faked coughing as she sat next to him with medical supplies. "May I take off your coat and shirt to clean of your wounds?" She didn't wait for a proper answer. She forcefully took of the garments of clothing, surprising Levi with how strong she was. Her looks did not indicate even a hint of strength. Staring at his back, she sat back down on her bed, in complete shock. There were no wonds at all. A tattoo of two wings was revealed when she cleaned the blood off of him. He didn't say anything at all. He just turned around slowly so that he wouldn't scare her and parted hus lips, giving her the answer, to the question she never asked. A pair of sharp fangs was to be seen. He stood up.
"Are you a fan of " Enlightend darkness?" He asked, reffearing to the drawing on the ceiling, which was inspired by that book. "Actually..." She pushed her hair to the side to show off the back of her head. He gapped at this move. There it was. An undercut and her pen name tattooed on the back of her neck. That was how she marked a book of her own. With this picture. "You..are.. (pen name)" she laughed shyly. "Well, my name is (y/n) "

~next chapter, posted :)

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