Rebecca first word

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"Henry you know if Mike finds out that you want Bella for yourself, he will kill you." Tanya told him. "Let me worry about that Tanya. You just don't know how much I want her. Just standing back and watching makes me want her more. But I don't want Mike or Edward to have her either. I want to feel her again." Henry explains.

"EWWW! I don't want to know your sexual thoughts about that whore. Keep it to yourself. Mike not going to let that happen."She tells him. "What I'm  not going to let happen?" I gasped at hearing Mike's voice. "Oh, nothing really we're just trying to figure out how to find Edward and Bella. But were running into dead end with hospital. Plus we were on the verge of giving up and I said you weren't going to let that happen." I looked at them confused. I'm not at a hospital. That's not right.

"IT'S BEEN FUCKING 2 MONTHS AND YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU CAN'T FIND A PATIENT IN A DAMN COMA. YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME." I gasped. "2 months!" I whisper. "SHHH! We're not alone." My head snaps up at Laurent. I disappear quickly and go back to the hospital room where I was last in. It was empty. "This can't be. It's been 2 months. Tears started to fall. I been gone for 2 months. Henry wants me. My head starts spinning. I could feel my heart start racing. Then I feel a sharp stabbing pain my stomach. I wrap my arms around my stomach and drop to the ground. "What's happening?"


I was sleeping when I was woken up to Rebecca crying. I got up and walk to her room.
Rebecca is 4 months old now and it's been two months now that Bella still been in a coma.
"Momma!" I heard Rebecca cry out. I gasp. Rebecca first word and she crying out for her mother. I pick her up and hold her in my arms to try and calm her down. "Shhh, it's alright Becca mommy just still sleeping."

"Momma!" She cried out again and then Bella heart monitor alarm went off. With Rebecca still in my arms I quickly ran to Bella's room. I look at the monitors and her heart rate has accelerated. I quickly reach for the phone. "I NEED HELP! Bella heart has accelerated and her pulse is racing."

"Will be right there sir!" I quickly hung up. "MOMMA!" Rebecca screamed out. I didn't want to walk out of the room, but I did for Rebecca sake. I walked into my room. "Shh, Becca it's alright." I seen the the doctors and nurses come running in soon after. My family finally comes in. "MMMOOMMMAA!" They all gasp. "I know. Becca first word and she screaming for her mother." I explained to them. My mother reaches for Becca and takes her. I get up and walk into the other room, but before I do, I could hear Becca crying louder. I let out a deep sigh knowing I have to leave her and go find out what is going on.

When I walk in they are getting Bella ready to move. My eyes widened in worry. The doctor walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "It would seem that she may have some unexplained internal bleeding. Will do everything we can." I stood there in shock. I couldn't move. I felt like my world was falling apart around me.

"MMMOOOMMMMAAA!" Rebecca loud scream for her mother finally took me out of my frozen state and I turned and ran to her. I reached for her and took her from my mother's arms. "Rebecca, it's alright daddy got you." I knew I had to be strong for my daughter, but it tore my heart apart that she was screaming out for her mother. Almost like she was calling out for her. I closed my eyes. "Bella if you can hear me just please come back to us, we need you. God I miss you Bella!" I whispered.

"MOMMAAA!" Rebecca kept calling out. I couldn't hold back my tears no more. It just was killing me to much. I just held my daughter tighter in my arms and sat on the bed with her. "Bella we miss and love you so much, please be alright!" I said. "MOOOMMMAA!"

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does. I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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