Thinking Edward was with Tanya

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As we're still riding along I realized that we need to change our clothes. Or people were going to recognize Edward. "Edward we need to stop at the next rest area." I told him. "Ok!" He says.
"We pulled into the rest area and I jumped out and went to the back of the jeep. "What on earth are you doing Bella?" I turned and handed him his cloth and boots and I turned back and grabbed Rebecca diaper bag with clothes and my stuff in it. I turned back around and Edward had Rebecca in his arm and the other stuff I gave him in the other.

They both looked at me and just grin. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "You do realize you both have are having the same expression right?" Edward looked at Rebecca then back at me. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the restrooms. "Like father, like daughter. This is going to be an very interesting summer." Edward hands me Rebecca. "You sure you got her?" I nodded. I knew I was still weak but I still wanted to take care of my daughter the best I could. While I was changing her she was giggling up a storm. "Are you ticklish just like mommy?"

"Momma!" I couldn't help but smile. Once I got her jeans, t-shirt, little flannel shirt and baby hiking boots on I set her up so I could put pig tails in her hair. "There now that's my baby girl. Rebecca coos. She looked so adorable. "Aunt Alice would have a fit with us if she knew you were dressed liked this." I smiled. I walked out to see Edward standing there waiting. "Now doesn't daddy baby girl look adorable." He said. "Her father doesn't look half bad himself. Now it's mommy's turn." I gave Rebecca a kiss on the cheek and beeped her nose.

I walked into the bathroom. As I was in the stall I could hear Edward phone vibrate.
I arched my eyebrow. I looked in the diaper and picked up his phone. It was a text from Tanya. I gasped. Do I read it or what. I decided to read it.

From Tanya: Why aren't you answering your phone or texts what's going on?

I drop the cell phone. So what is he back with Tanya now? I picked up everything and grabbed his cell phone and walked. "There's mommy." He saw my face expression. "What's wrong Bella?" I reached for Rebecca and took her and gave him his phone. "Why don't you answer Tanya!"

"Tanya? What the hell you talking about?" He asked. "Edward watch your mouth in front of Rebecca. Tanya wants to know why you're not answering your phone or text message. So what the whole time I'm in a coma you're with her?" I ask while I buckle Rebecca in. "Bella you know I'm not and no I wasn't. I been.." I cut him off. "Just don't not now I'm too angry. I don't know what to believe right now so save it. I got into the passenger seat and sat there.

We finally made it to the campsite and Laura was there I ran up to her and hugged her as tight as I could.

"I missed you so much Laura."

"I missed you to Bella. Now where's my niece."

"Right here." I pulled away when I heard Edward behind me. Laura had the biggest smile on her face and took Rebecca into her arms. Tears fell from Laura's eyes. "Thank you guys for naming her after Rebecca."

"Your welcome. Rebecca meant so much to me." I told her. "So are you still going with us tomorrow and staying for 2 weeks?" Edward asked Laura. I looked between the both of them and glared at Edward. "Am I missing something here? I take it you haven't told Bella everything yet."

"No I haven't had a chance. It would seem she's mad at me!"

"Hello I'm standing right here. Does someone want to tell me what's going on please."

"Well Bella Edward called as you know but instead of staying here for a week well we were going to surprise you and we know how you like rustic camping well remember the spot me and Chris took you when you kids were little?"

"Yeah, you can only get back there with a 4×4 and there was like a hidden creek or river there."

"Yep! Well Chris and Troy are already up there waiting for us with all the tools you need." My eyes widen. "Your Brother Troy there seriously?" She nods her head yes. I squealed. "Ummm, who Troy and should I be worried?" Edward asked. Laura and I giggled. "No worries Edward. My brother gay. It's just like Rebecca and Bella, well that's how Troy was with my kids. But he's protective over Bella." Rebecca, I and Laura slept in my tent and Edward slept in his.

We were finally on our way to the campsite and we stopped at the beginning of the trail.
Laura told Edward to stay close. He nodded. We were going along and Rebecca was giggling.
I was shaking my head. Once we made it to the end of the trail I see Chris and Troy standing there. A smile forms on my face. "If I didn't know any better I think you're happy to see them."
I just nod. The jeep comes to a stop and I climb out. I stand there a few minutes taking a few deep breathe.

I haven't seen Chris or Troy since before the accident. Chris open up his arms to me. "It's alright baby girl." That's when I ran up into his arms and wrapped my arms around him and started crying. "Shh, it's alright baby girl it's not your fault." I gasp and pulled away. I just couldn't tell them. All this was my fault. "Where's my hug?" I turned and smiled at Troy. I walked over to him and gave him a hugged. We got everything unpacked and we spent the next few days building.

We started with a bathroom. Then we made a kitchen set up. Then I got started on the shower.

"Don't you think you're overdoing it Bella?" Edward asked me. I was keeping myself busy. I had found another text from Tanya the morning we left the other campsite. Tanya said she really wanted him back and she enjoyed there time together. I don't know what to think. "I'm fine!" I snapped out. Edward grabbed my arm and made me stop. He looked at me. "Bella you're hardly eating from the looks of it you're hardly sleeping what's up?"

I pull my arm away. "Why do you even care?" He looked at me shocked. "I care a lot Bella. What would make you think I didn't?" He asked. "WHY DON'T YOU ASK HER? You spent time with her. Did you have a good time with her too?" I asked. "With who?"

"Tanya! I seen her messages." I said. "That's it, there just messages. I haven't gone or seen her since school. Since she threaten our daughter." He told me. "Then why is she saying she had a good time  Edward?" I asked. "Bella I really.." I couldn't take no more. I took off running.


I watched as Bella ran off. "Great!" I ran both my hands through my hair in frustration. I ended up kicking the table. "Dude calm down!" Troy said walking up. "What happen, why Bella run off?" He asked. "Uggg, where there do I start." I decided to hand him my phone and show him Tanya messages. I told him everything that's been going on including why Bella ran off plus what I was feeling.

For some reason I found it easy to talk to him. "Edward I can understand where Bella coming from. I mean put yourself in her shoes. She lost her best friend who meant everything to her. She been bullied all her life. Then she was ripped from everything she knew. She just got her mom back. Mike tried to kill her more than once. Plus he still out there. She lost Jacob. She almost lost you and her child. Now you got this ex girlfriend trying in any way possible to destroy everything that you love." He took a deep breath.

"Edward let me ask you something. If the situation was reversed and you were in a coma and you woke up and seen these texts what would you think?" I mentally smacked myself. "How can I be so stupid?" Troy puts his hand on my shoulder. "You're not stupid Edward, you're just afraid of losing your daughter and Bella." I look down to the ground. "I need to fix this."

"Then go find her. We got Rebecca." I look up at him. "Are you sure?" I asked him. "Yes, now go and just tell her how you feel and everything you told me." I look behind me to see Rebecca playing with Laura then took off the direction Bella went.

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I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does. I own the rest of the characters and story.

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