saving Bella

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   I was sleeping in my tent when I was woken up by something covering my mouth being covered.

  "You best be quiet or I kill everyone. Now your going to be a good girl and do as I say and get up and stay quiet." Laurent told me.

  I slowly get up and Laurent grabs my hands and ties them into the front of me. Your first mistake bastard. "Now I am taking you to Mike."

He took out a gun and then turned me around and made me walk. We walked into the woods and it was dark outside. Second mistake bastard. I keep counting the mistakes he's making until I can escape.

The next thing I knew I was pushed up against the tree. "God I can't help myself. You in those pj shorts and tank top. It turns me on." I closed my eyes as I feel him pressed against the back of me.

Then he turns me around and stands close to me and runs the gun down my body. "Don't touch bastard." The next I knew he takes his hand and grabs me between the legs and takes the gun and hits my face.

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do bitch." I bring my knee back and then bring it full force into his groan. He fell to his knees.

"You can't take don't touch me for a no you bastard." I took off running but I came to a cliff and I stopped and turned and went to start running but the next thing I knew I got kicked in the side and fell to the ground.

I wasn't going to go down without a fight. So I got up and raised my arms up and swinged my body and hit him right in side of the head.

"For someone that's been in a coma you sure have alot of fight in you." Laurent told.

"Because I am not going down without a fight and you are not going to put your nasty hands on me again."

  The next I knew I get hit so hard I fall and he started to kick me and for some odd reason I rolled right off the cliff.

I screamed as I tried to grab ahold of something and I was able to finally grab until a tree branch.

"HELLP MEE!" I yelled as loud as I could. Oh god please let someone of heard me.

Then I started hearing noises from above. I closed my eyes hoping it wasn't Laurent that came back. I kept my mouth shout.

"Bella look at me!" I looked up at Edward. "Edward I'm scared!" I  told him. "I know you are but I need you to keep looking at me and don't move. I'm going to come get you." He told me. "And how you going to do that?"

"Bella will you just trust me damn it! What happen anyways?" He asked me . "Well it's going to piss you off!" He looked at me confused. "He found me!" I  told him. "Who found you Bella?"

"Edward there was a noise in camp tonight. Laura and I just thought it was an animal. So we dismissed it. I knew I should've checked it out." Chris said. "Edward it was Laurent!" I  yelled up. "He said he was taking me to Mike but I fought him off and well. Oh god Eddwwarrdd!" I started slipping. "AGGH!" I  caught another branch. I leaned my head against my arms and closed my eyes because now I was terrified. Tears were falling now and I couldn't stop them.

"Hey beautiful." I slowly turn my head and Edward was beside me. I couldn't say anything. Edward worked his way over to me until he was behind.

"Okay! I need you to slowly turn and put your hands over my head." I started shaking my head no.

"Baby, you can do this. I got you." He told me. He took my legs and wrapped them around his waist and held me while I took my hands and put them over his head.

"Now I need you to hold on because I got to make sure I surcure you." I just nod and bury my face into his neck.

"YOU CAN PULL US UP NOW! Just hang on baby!" Edward wraps his arms around me.

Once at the top they unhook me but I didn't want no one to touch me. Including Edward right now.

I stayed a few feet ahead until I seen Laura and ran to her and wrapped my arms around her as tight as I could.

I felt someone else try to touch me. "Don't touch me!" I snapped. "Bella what happen to you?" I heard Edward asked.

I look up at Laura and just shake my head. "Chris I think we take them to the cabin to hide them now. Everyone pack up. Edward don't say a word. Charlie set this up if something happen." I heard Laura say. 


As we packed up I noticed Bella get into the back of Laura's Jeep and She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs and started rocking.

It reminded me of something I just couldn't remember what. I finished packing up and strapped Rebecca into her car seat.

"Edward just follow us." I nodded my head and jumped into the Jeep and we took off.

Once we got there Laura took care of Bella and I was dealing with Rebecca. Once I finally got her down I was just shutting door.

"Edward!" I grabbed my chest and turned around. "Laura you just scared.." She stopped me.

"You need to deal with Bella and she is in the bathroom." My eyes widen.

"Can't you Laura. I mean. Shit!" She looked at me funny. "What the hell is your problem? For gods sacks Edward you 2 had a baby together." I ran my hands through my hair.

"Yeah we did. But we only.." She cut me off again. "You got to be kidding me right now. You guys only done it once?" She asked.

"Twice actually." I blurted out. What was it with this women. "I can't do anything with her. All she keeps saying is he won't touch me no more. Plus mumbling now he isn't going to want me anymore. I want you to march your ass in there and take care of Bella now!" My eyes widen.

"Yes Ma'am!" I turned and walked towards the bathroom and stop. "Edward Anthony Mason Cullen get in there now." I hurried up and got into the bathroom.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does
I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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