Thunderstorms and Wardrobes

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Connor loved the rain. 

The way the droplets would race down the window in such a peaceful way was mesmerizing. It also gave an opportunity to take a photo for Instagram, which was always good.

Connor however, was also deathly afraid of thunderstorms.  

Halfway through the night, the water began to fall from the sky, pattering on the roof like a drum. The two boys were sound asleep, both wrapped up in the duvet.

A loud crack of thunder shook the sky, jolting Connor awake with a start. Connor scrambled out of bed, waking up his sleeping boyfriend in the process, and dashed over to the built in wardrobe and shut the doors behind him.

As Troye woke up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked over at the wardrobe and sighed. He knew his boyfriend was scared of thunder but he did not realise he was this terrified. Troye slowly sat up in bed and reached over to grab his phone to see what time it was.

3:32 am

Ugh. Troye loved his boyfriend as much as he loved Nutella. But he didn't appreciate being woken up at 3 in the morning. As he peeled himself out of the duvet cocoon he had wrapped himself in, a huge crack of thunder rang around the room seeming to bounce of off every surface, he heard a small whimper coming from the wardrobe.

'Con?' Troye asked the wardrobe doors. All he got was a small whimper in reply. As he opened the door he saw his boyfriend with his knees pulled against his body.

Troye climbed into the already cramped wardrobe and made an attempt to calm his brown haired lover. 

'Shhh, calm down babe, it's alright, I'm here for you' Troye whispered to his lover as he stroked his hair and back the same time. At the sound of his boyfriend's voice and calming hands on his hair and back , Connor visibly and mentally began to calm down.

 After ten minutes of practically sitting on top of each other on the hard floor of the wardrobe surrounded by a mismatch of each boy's clothes, Connor had calmed down enough to be able to come out of the wardrobe and sit on the bed and snuggle into the duvet.

As his green-eyed lover made himself a cave with the large duvet, Troye went to get two mugs of hot chocolate. When he got back to the bedroom a wide-eyed Connor was sat waiting for under the duvet. Troye placed the two steaming mugs of hot cocoa down on the nightstand and crawled in with his boyfriend.

'Thank you' said a small voice from somewhere in the mass of duvet. Troye just simply felt for his lovers hand under the covers and gave it a small squeeze. As both boys felt their eyes become heavy, the mugs of cocoa forgotten, they curled up against each other and fell into a restless and dreamless sleep. 

Connor was so comfortable in his lover's arms that when the next crack of thunder sounded around the room, Connor did not flinch or jump awake.

Connor loved the rain, it always made for a good Instagram post.

Connor however, was also deathly afraid of thunderstorms. 

But as long as he had Troye by his side he really had nothing to be afraid of.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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