Log Cabins and Soulmates

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Lights were blinding Connor's eyes. The melodies and screams passed as music bellowed in his ears, made louder by the base tunnelling underground and rocketing through his bones. Sweaty bodies pushed against each other, trying to dance the best they could with poison in their blood.

Frantically, his head turned with his body, trying to plan an escape from the rowdy crowd, but a fence of disheveled faces and bloodshot eyes stood like a army. There was no way out. As soon as the song finished the next one began, slower this time, causing the bodies to sway rather than flay wildly.

"Can I get through?" Shouted a voice over the loud tunes, Connor turned quickly.
"Go ahead" he muttered, knowing they wouldn't be able to hear. "You alright?" he heard them shout again. Connor nodded, "Why?"
"You look sad" the stranger stated simply, mumbling over his words, obviously drunk. Connor laughed lightly, watching them tilt their head to the side.

"I'm fine" he persisted. But the mysterious boy wouldn't accept it, "let me dance with you" he smiled. "I-", he was cut off, both his arms grabbed and put round the boy and their arms placed around his waist. The song was still slow, and they were still crammed against heated bodies, "You're really pretty" the boy slurred, "What's your name?", Connor looked into his eyes, watching them follow his every move, "Connor" he said. "I'm Troye".

They stayed like that for the rest of the song, both of them growing tired. Troye rest his head on Connors shoulder, mumbling incoherent words. "Huh?" Connor laughed, as the boy stood straight again, "'m tired", he whispered, rubbing his eyes. "Do you want to get out of this crowd?" Connor asked, hoping the answer was yes. "Come on" Troye smiled sloppily, grasping his hand and pulling him through the people, most of who couldn't stand upright for more than a second.

They walked silently for ten minutes, hand in hand. "Why did you look sad Con?" Troye asked,  his eyes closed and hands pressed against the other boys chest in an attempt to stand properly. "I don't like crowds I guess.",
"Okay.". Troye looked like he wanted to say more, but was too tired to do so.

Seeing that the younger boy was practically falling asleep against his chest, Connor grabbed the boys hand and practically half dragged, half carried him to the log cabin he had rented for the festival. He took the boys shoes of and lay him down on the double bed. he took his own shoes of, and once making sure Troye was comfortably snuggled up under the covers, he himself burrowed under the covers, not caring that he was still in his clothes.

The younger boy moved quietly over to where Connor was laying and pressed himself against the boys back, with intertwined hands the boys drifted of to a land of dreams, not caring that they had only meet a few hours earlier, they both new that they where meant to be together.

If anybody where to see those two boys curled up together, they would have sworn that they had been together for years, not hours.

Those two boys where like two jigsaw pieces they where meant to be together.

They where soulmates.

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