Chapter 2

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Hi guys so how are you?
Good? ok? Awesome? Well i'm happy.So Matt on top and will be May and Matt's P.O.V.Enjoy :-) Unedited

May's P.O.V

I ran super fast.I got everything and went out of the store.I went to my house and my mom told me," could you go to CVS Pharmacy and get makeup"


When I arrived I saw that guy again from Starbucks and two other guys.Must be his friends.
I was going to get the makeup when somebody was hugging me.I turned around and saw the guy hugging me.

He said,"could I pay for that.

"Uh no"


"I don't even know you yet"

"Matt is my name"


The other guys came and one of them said,"Hey we fou..oh my name is Anthony and that other guy is Oscar"

"Hi my name is May"

Matt said,"let me pay for that please on cherrys on top" He even did puppy eyes.



He paid it and our hands touch and I felt sparks again.Imediatly I fell in love with him.I didn't want show it so I was looking down.

Matt's P.O.V

We arrived at the store and Curtis said,"Mateeee commminngg"
I saw her and I told Anthony and Oscar to find the medicine.

When she wasn't seeing I was going to hug her.She turned around and I said,"could I pay that"

"Uh no"


"I don't know you yet"

"Matt is my name"


I saw Anothony and Oscar coming and I linked them,"Guys mate here"
They came and said,»Hey we fou...Oh my name is Anthony and that other guy is Oscar"

"Hi my name is May"

Let me pay for that please on cherrys on top"
I even did puppy eyes



I paid it and our hands were kinda together.My wolf growled.

I smirked and I saw May looking down.I wonder.

"Want to come to my house?"

"oh,look at the time gotta go."

She ran and Curtis said," I want her.Lets kiddnaped her."


May's P.O.V

I went to my car and drived home.Well its been a long day.

My brother said,"Mommy said I'm having a playdate"

"Great for you"

"Well not for you because you are driving me to my friend's house."


Lets go in the car then little bro."

We jump into the car and after 5 minutes we were there. It was massive.
A girl was waiting for us in the entrance.


"Hi Scarlet"

"Who is she" pointing at me

"My sister May"

"Hey I have a brother. Maybe they could be friends."


"Yes little sis"

"Meet my to new friends.May and Nate."

"Hi May" giving me a hug.

"You know May?"asked Scarlet


"Well we're leaving,byy"


I wonder whats next?!?.


Put in library.

See you all!

Matt: waittt

Me:what know!

Matt: A cliffhanger really!


Matt:ok but update tomorrow!

Me: fine alpha (note the alpha part)

May: do it!

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