Cap. 7

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Jos: Y todas esas bolsas?-Dijo señalandolas- Para que? -Rió-

____: Pues mi querida hermana digamos que va a "cambiarme"

Jos: Pues no estaria tan mal

____: Oye!! -Dije agachando la cabeza-

Jos: Perdon, hey eres bonita bajo esa ropa olgada y esos lentes

____: Sabes que, aceptare que mi hermana me cambie de look y me enseñe todo eso de la moda pero, sin ser una chica plastica (asi llamamos yo y Sam a chicas como Alexa)

Jos: No, no te conviertas en alguien como ellas, ellas son tan, tan agh

____: No lo sere nunca

Jos: Uff que bien, hey vallamos con tu hermana y con los chicos

____: Sii claro -sonrei-

Narra ____

Jos y yo fuimos con Renata y con sus amigos. Solo 2 de ellos no me insultan son Bryan y Alonso los demas son uff no se que les molesta de mi

Llegamos hasta la tienda de discos donde estaba Renata

Renata: Hermanaaa!! Estos chicos son muy lindos

_____: Si tu lo dices

Alan: Es tu hermana _____?!?!

_____: Amm... si, es mi hermana

Alan: Oye perdon por todo el tiempo que te hicimos sentir mal

_____: Amm... ok

Renata: Bueno nos vamos hermanita

_____: Eh si, bueno adios a todos

Renata y yo nos fuimos a casa, ya era tarde eran las 8:30 pm, subí a mi cuarto y comenze a practicar guitarra y a cantar You're worth it (multimedia)

You are not your make up, not your clothes
An anonymous face that no one knows
You're not a skin color, a pretty face
The number of inches around your waist
There's so much that you've been through that nobody knows
So many things you never show.

You're more than labels
More than pain
Baby, you're more than your mistakes
And you've got something to say

When will you realize
Baby, you're worth it
You don't have to do anything to earn it
Baby, you're perfect
You deserve it
When will you see what I see
And realize you're worth it

You are not a burden, not a waste
You are not a copy, can't be replaced
You're not your pain, you're not your past
Your scars will never hold you back
There's so much that you've been through that nobody knows
So many things you never show

You're more than labels
More than pain
Baby, you're more than your mistakes
And you've got something to say

When will you realize
Baby, you're worth it
You don't have to do anything to earn it
Baby, you're perfect
You deserve it
When will you see what I see
And realize you're worth it

You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it

You're more than labels, more than pain
Baby, you're more than your mistakes
And you've got something to say

When will you realize
Baby, you're worth it
Don't have to do anything to earn it
Baby, you're perfect
You deserve it
When will you see what I see
And realize you're worth it

You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
You're worth it

Termine y me quede profundamente dormida

Holaa hasta aqui el capitulo de hoy no subi porque estaba de viaje y no habia internet

Porfavor vota y comenta

Del odio al amor (Jos Canela y tu)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora