Summer Love Starts

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(Your P.O.V)


I was exited for summer holidays but I felt like I was just gonna sit in my room everyday watching anime and eating junk food !


I was supposed to go town with my friends so I got dressed in to (your choice of clothing) and went to catch the bus.

5 minutes later

Finally my bus came ! I sat down at the very end of the bus (thank god no pedo sat next to me !) . After like 2 or 3 minutes someone that looked very similar sat next to me so I asked them "Hi,sorry to bother you but you really look like someone that I know but I don't know who?".The stranger stared at me and said "Do you really not remember me?!?!"he questioned me . "It's me Nagisa Shiota ! I sit next to you in class !"I stared at him and answered " Ohh yeah !!! I missed you so much ! Sorry that I forgot but I got a very short memory ....". I said awkwardly and smiled at Nagisa .

(Nagisa's P.O.V)


I missed all my friends from class especially  (Y/N) . I had a gigantic crush on her , she was the most beautiful and most kind person ever ! I just wished that she liked me too but she always talked to Itona it's like she just liked him so much more than she liked me .


I had to go to town coz I had to meet up Karma at the training centre so we become the best assassins ever !!!

About 8 minutes later

I get onto the bus and I see (Y/N) on the bus so I go and sit next to her . After a few seconds she tells me that I look really similar to someone . So I tell her that I'm Nagisa and that I sit next to her in class . So she tells me that she really misses me and that she's sorry because she has a really short memory . After a few seconds I turn away and blush because she said that she missed me . I was so happy !!!!

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