And there he was...

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I had just gotten home from school when I walked into the house my mom was drinking and snorting cocaine. It hurts seeing her do this kinda stuff, and I've tried talking to her but she wouldn't listen to me so finally I gave up and just stopped trying to help her. I closed the door and slowly started walking towards my room but I soon stopped as I herd my dad say, " Do you have home work?!" He got off his bed and walked towards me. He was drunk and I could smell it all over him. I became fearful because bad things always happened when he was drunk. " N-no sir." I stuttered. He slammed mesgenst the wall and pleased his hand on my neck. I couldn't breath and my face started turning red. "Don't you fucking lie to me you bitch!" He screamed with his face inches away from mine. I could smell the beer on his breath. My eyes began berning. " O-ok I have a paper to right." I lied because I was afraid he would kill me. He let me go and I fell to the ground and tried to catch my breath. I ran to my room and sat at my desk. I opened my laptop that had a link on it. I clicked on it and there he was. I didn't know it at the time but this man would change my life. I looked at him closely examining his face. He looked lot like me I had his lips, his eyes and his nose, the only difference was my blond hair but my mom has blond hair. I herd my door open and I shut my laptop. My dad stumbled in and slung me on the floor and pined me down. I tried to scream but he held my mouth shut. "Shh! It's ok! Shut the hell up!" He would grunt. The pain was unbearable. I passed out. When I woke up I went straight to my computer and found out his real name was Greg and how to contact him I found were he lived. "I'm going to meet him. But wate I can't go with out prouf. Well all of my records are in the cabinet down stairs I'll take them with me." I thought to my self.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope you liked the first chapter its my first book thing so lol sorry if it's not that good.

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