Will he want me?..

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I watched his videos for hours. I know that sounds messed up but that was the only thing that made me happy. I was supposed to be going to bed and my dad came in my room screaming at me. I didn't have time to shut my laptop so he yanked it out of my hands. "Who the fuck is this?!" I was afraid to answer so I just sat there. He balled his fist's and left the room. I sighed with releaf. Several minets latter he came back with a knife and a belt. He then began cutting me and beating me with the belt. "Dad pleas stop!" I yelled over and over again but every time he did it harder. After about an hour he stopped. I couldn't move or at least I didn't want to. I thought about my real dad and mintaly convinced myself to get up. I finally found the stranth to move. I ran down the hall to the cabinet slowly grabed the papers and slowly ran to my moms house and stole one hundred dalars and slipped out the door. I ran as fast as I could out of the fear that they could be following me. I wanted at the bus stop and got on the first buss I could. I gave the bus man 20 dallars and gave him the address I went to the back of the bus and sat down. I ges I fell asleep because the bus gut woke me up to tell me we were there. I got off the bus and there was the blue house. I walked up to the front door and knocked. A man answered. "Can I help you?" He noticed the blood. "Greg come hear!" He yelled to the back of the house. I felt so week and my eyes are so heavy. " sear what is it now?" The man walked into the room. He looked at me and right be for I blacked out I herd him yell, "What the fuck?!" _________________________________________________________________
How was that? What should happen next? Leave a comment down below telling me some ideas you might have for me thanks for reading. Hope you liked the chapter !!

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