How did you find me?..

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(Greg's pov) Me and Sear had just finished putting the props away when there was a knock at my front door. "Sear go see who that is so I can finish cleaning." I said putting my lights away. Sear walked out of the room and I herd the door open. "Some girl is hear." And several seconds latterr I herd him scream, "Oh hy god Greg!" His voice sounded panicked so I walked in the room and said, "What the hell did u do now Sear?" I glanced at the door and sow a little girl she was in bad shape. "What the fuck?!" I yelled before the young girl fell to the ground. "Sear we have to bring her inside grab her legs." He slowly grabed her legs and helped me lift her up and carry her threw the door. "Sit her in the floor, we have to help her!" We slowly sat her down and I wanted to cry but I didnt cos I knew it wouldn't help the situation. Sear wouldn't talk at all I think he was in shock. "Sear go get me a pair of my pants and a T-shirt." I instructed him. "Why?" He awncerd back. "I need to get her out of these clothes." He ran into my room. I started to unbutten her shirt. Sear walked in and a tear fell down his face. I pulled out the papers from her shirt pocket and put them in my pocket. I pulled open ter shirt and wanted to vomit at the site. It was so bad Sear had to leav the room. She had brouses, scars, and cuts all over her body. I quickly changed her and looked at the way she was sleeping, she must have been in so much pain but yet she was now smiling. I couldn't help but smile back. Sear finally came back into the room. "Who is she?" Sear asked smiling at her. I pulled out the papers from my pants pocket and opened them. "I don't know." I said as I started reading. Hebsat down beside her and she put her head in his lap and he began petting her head slowly. I read the papers and I was on her birth certificate and I sow how she got to my house. I picked up my phone and called my mom. "Hello?" She awncerd. "Mom do you remember Jess?" I slowly asked her. "Yes, of course why?" She asked confused. "Did I get her pregnant?" I blerted out as I put my hand on my forehead. "Yea she was pregnant when you left her." She said. "Why didn't you tell me?" I blerted out. "Gregory you were fifteen now I've gotta go." She hung up the phone and I looked at my newfound little girl. I felt overwhelmed with emotion. I was happy to have a kid, sad that I didn't know her and all the stuff she had been threw, and pissed because of all the shit she went threw. I looked at her and smiled as I said, "How did you find me?"

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