Chapter 8

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"Unff," Harry groaned into his pillow as he smashed his hand repeatedly into the nightstand until it came in contact with his blaring phone. Cracking open one eye, he sleepily typed in the passcode to stop the irritating alarm.

Louis rolled over in his bed and glared at Harry from underneath the torn wool blankets. "Shut it off," he hissed sleepily, grabbing his pillow and placing it over his face.

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bacey." Harry said, a little more awake and tumbling out of his bed onto the cold, hardwood floors, collecting dust as he went.

"Nope," denied Louis, he was not getting up.

"Do not make me tickle you," warned Harry, blearily getting up and walking towards the sleepy boy. With a grumble and some cussing, Louis managed to get himself out of bed. He stumbled over to where Harry stood rubbing his eyes and opened his arms.

"Give me cuddles," Louis pouted. Harry giggled, his chest vibrating as Louis cuddled into it, his face resting in-between Harry's collarbones.

"We need to get dressed and hit the road," said Harry, gently shoving the small boy off of him and towards the two bags in the corner of the room. "Where something pretty!" Harry called after him.

"Honey," Louis replied, flipping his hair. "I'm always pretty."

"'Course you are," said Harry, grabbing his clothes as well.

The two boys showered and dressed in silence before putting all of their belongings back into their bags and heading downstairs to the cafe for breakfast. Louis hungrily eyed the rows of pastries, but noticing the way Harry looked at the girl behind the counter lead him to choose a simple fruit cup instead, placing it on the counter beside Harry's blueberry muffin.

"Just these please," he ordered for them, passing the debit card over the counter. The girl nodded recognition flashing in her eyes. "Please, don't tell anyone we're here. Or at least wait a day or two." The girl nodded shyly, handing him the receipt.

"Could I have a picture, please?" She asked.

"Sure," Louis replied, glancing at Harry as she stepped around the counter and took out her phone. "Smile," Louis reminded Harry as he seemed lost in thought. He gave a quick grin and grabbed his muffin as the picture took.

"Thank you," she said. "No one would have believed me otherwise."

"No problem, just wait a day or two, please." Louis told her again. She grinned and bobbed her head, returning to help the next couple in line.

"Let's take this to go," Harry said. "That was close, and we don't know that she'll wait. We need to move."

"Calm down! We'll head out, but you need to relax," Harry blinked. "Seriously," Louis added as they stepped out of the building and into the parking lot with their breakfast and bags.

"Okay," Harry answered blandly, shifting his bag into the same hand as his muffin so that he could open the car door for Louis. He nodded his thanks to Harry and climbed in, waiting for him to pull back out on to the highway.

Wind whipped through Louis' wet hair when he rolled down the window. He was long gone in his thoughts about the man sitting next to him. What it would be like to be in a relationship with him, to share one bed instead of two ratty cots and to eat pastries together in the morning because Louis wouldn't think about Harry looking at other people.

The gas level was hovering dangerously close to E, signalling time for a pitstop. As soon as they pulled in to the Shell station, Harry was out of the car and pumping the tank full of gas.

He instructed Louis to use the washroom and maybe buy some junk food while he was at it, so that's what Louis did. He got Harry Twizzlers and himself some chocolate, medicine for the soul. Back in the car, Harry got them back on the road and the music turned up high.

Seemingly back to his usual, cheeky self, Harry was along singing off key with a piece of liquorice dangling from the side of his mouth. "All the other kids, with their pumped up kicks!"

"They better run, better run," Louis chimed in. They were speeding down the highway, tearing up the pavement and singing with more energy than they had in a while.

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