Chapter 27

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"I wanted the first shower, though!" Harry yelled in defeat, sitting himself back on the bed in a huff.

"Too bad," Louis winked gleefully, prancing around naked as if it wasn't a big deal, which really, it wasn't. "You should've called it."

Harry pouted. "No fair."

Sticking his tongue out, Louis grabbed his clothes for the day, for their last day, and danced his way into the bathroom leaving Harry alone on the bed.

Harry really, really, really, did not want his time with Louis to end. In no situation that he could picture would him and Louis have time like this again for a very long while.

And that sort of distressed Harry.

He wouldn't say it, though, no. This was their last day, and he planned for it to be amazing with a capital A.

When Louis walked out of the shower fully dressed and hair dripping, all Harry felt was love.

Sure, it was crazy to fall in love over a small number of days, but really, it had been five years that he'd felt this. That was five years wasted when he could've been with Louis, and now he had to make up for them.

Louis felt love too, as he watched Harry grab his own toiletries and pass him towards the bathroom.

Smacking his ass lightly, Louis teased him over his shoulder. "Nice bum," he winked. "Where's it from?"

Harry rolled his eyes, turned around and crossed his arms.

"That's not even a good one, Lou."

Laughing, Louis continued to pack all of their stuff up so that it was ready to go when Harry was done showering.

He really did love the curly-haired, taller lad. It seemed so real, so unlikely that he could feel the same. Louis, however, was not complaining in the least.

In the perfect world, he and Harry would dance off into the sunset and live happily ever after, maybe start a family. They didn't live in the perfect world, though.

They had a concert tonight in front of thousands of screaming fans, and he had no clue what would happen. Of course, Louis wanted the world to know, but he also had to recognize the facts. There would be repercussions.

People would support them, yes, but would enough? Would there be enough people behind the band for their escapade to hardly make a dent?

The answer was no, if they came out, there would definitely be an effect on the band. Louis didn't want to do that to Niall and Liam.

Breaking him out of his spiralling thoughts, Harry opener the door of the bathroom and walked out with a smile.

"How was your shower, love?" Louis questioned.

It was a weird question, and Harry wasn't sure quite how to answer Louis' formalities. "Shower-y," he decided.

Louis giggled in response and tossed Harry's bag towards his dripping figure, anxiously awaiting their departure.

Harry really didn't want to leave.

Who wouldn't, though? He was with the boy of his newfound dreams with nothing but an open road.

The open road, however, would have to come to a close. In LA that night, the two boys would be performing on stage. Harry needed a plan.

"C'mon, Haz," Louis whined, tugging on Harry's sleeve and getting his attention. "We've got to leave."

"Yes, fine," he answered, letting Louis tug him through the open door.

As the elevator doors dinged shut behind them and the two boys pranced through the lobby and to their car, Harry turned to admire Louis.

"Guess what we're having for breakfast, Haz," he said, detaching their hands to open the trunk.

"Let me think," Harry answered, humouring Louis. "Could it be, um, McDonald's"

"Damn it," Louis sighed comically. "You know me too well."

Harry laughed. "No, I just have the car keys. That means it was my decision anyways."

"Whatever," Louis huffed in mild annoyance as he sat down in the passengers seat and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Lou," Harry sang, pulling out of the parking lot. "You know I love you, we can have whatever you want for breakfast."


Childishly crossing his arms, a smile broke out across Louis' dainty face, his pixie nose scrunching up in the most adorable way.

"I feel like we should do something cheesy right now," Harry commented after a while.

"Yeah?" Louis asked, looking away from the window. He liked to watch the world race by in a blur of hot red rocks and tall grey skyscrapers. Really, they'd seen everything so far.

"Yeah, what would be cliché?" Harry wondered aloud.

Louis didn't know, he should, but he didn't. Considering how many cheesy movies he'd watched with his sisters growing up, he knew that if their road trip were to have been cheesy, they would have had to have gotten into a car crash, and Harry or he would have had to lose their memory.

"We could..." Louis trailed off. He was at loss of ideas, really. "We could proclaim our undying love for each other."

"No," Harry said. "We've already done quite enough of that."

Louis had nothing, so he shrugged and turned the radio up to drown the silence.

"Hey," Harry interrupted. "This is, like, our road trip song!"

"Yeah?" Louis asked, tuning in to the music. "Ha, you're right."

"Louis?" Harry asked, speaking over the song to change the words for the boy next to him.

"Harold?" Louis played along, earning a grimace from Harry.

"Do you remember that day you fell outta my window?"

"I sure do," Louis giggled. "You came jumping out after me."

"Well, you fell on the concrete, nearly broke your ass," Harry laughed, "And you were bleeding all over the place, and I rushed you out to the hospital, you remember that?"

"No," Louis said so monotonously that Harry couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Fuck," he said, rolling down the window. "I love you so damn much."


I updated again because I love you guys. Three more chapters left? Yes.

Comment where y'all are from, because I have some unknown readers from some pretty cool places

(s/o to the Phillipenes, Germany, France, Australia, Tunisia, and all those places because I haven't gotten the chance to thank you babes)

Gotta say, though, guys, Canada is where it's at.

So this long ass authors note had a point. I want you guys to message me because I'm lonely and need friends lol

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