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Bethany's P.O.V.

As much as I wish I could avoid him, I could't. After my dance was over and some girls were staring to get ready to go home, Mark called me over. Dianna, of course, sighs before getting teary eyed.

"No, Dianna don't do that-" I start trying to hug her.

"Bethany, I'm older I can deal with that. I have my boy, you're young and are free to go out, go with Aubrey. You shouldn't have to be dealing with that-" Dianna rants.

"Neither should you Dianna.. " I say shutting her up before hugging her.

"I chose to do this. You didn't tell me to. So stop it okay? What's done is done." I say before walking away not allowing her to say anything.

I knock on the door of Mark's office shakily. The door opens and I hesitantly walk in. Two guards, as always, stand at the door. Mark covering his mouth with his hand stares at me as I walk in. It was like his eye's were piercing into my skin.

"Bethany," Mark starts.

I don't reply.

"Go outside and make sure no one disturbs us. I'm going to be a bit busy..." He tells the guards.

I bite my tongue before they leave us alone. Mark motions me to go to him. I slowly walk to him and when I'm in his reach he grabs me and sets me on his lap. He makes me dance for him and soon starting laying his hands on me.

"You're fucking something, you know that?" Mark mumbles in my ear as I grind on him, his hands on my bum.

As I face him, he shoves his lips onto mine and forcefully kisses me. I try my hardest not to gag knowing that he would do something much more worse if I did. He tasted like liquor. 

He slowly moves his hands under my clothes. I quickly grab his hands before moving anymore closer, and Mark bites me. I pull away removing my hands from his and touching my lip. He feels the lace on my pantie line.

"You do as I tell you too and let me do whatever I want, understood? Or our deal is over... Dianna was much more obedient-"

I press my body against him shutting him up.

"that's not going to happen." I whisper before grinding on him slower and harder.

He grabs my bum before leaning back in his chair and moaning. He kisses me and moves his hands around me. From my bum, to my back and torso, waist, hips, and then up my back under my bra. In one swift motion he unclasps my bra before feeling my breasts. He stayed like that for a while before there was a knock on the door. Mark ignored it, they knocked again and Mark pretended not to notice. I pull away,

"You going to-?"

He roughly slams his lips on mine and I continue. Mark stands up, holding me from my bum. I wrap my legs around him and we continue. He makes him way against the wall and slams my back into it. Through all this, there are knocks. Mark, of course, ignores them. He grabs my boob and pinches it making me yelp. There is another knock yet again and Mark smirks.

"Say my name," Mark mumbles before making his hands down to my pearl.

I gasp in horror as he places his hand on me.

"Say my name." He says again more sternly.

"Markk," I gasp.

"Louder, make it sexier." He says before his fingers enter me.

"MArk!" I exclaim.

Now I wish I could say I was enjoying it.. because then it wouldn't be so bad, but that would make me a fucking awful person. Besides i really wasn't. I felt absolutely nothing other than violated. But I knew Mark would do anything and everything he could to try to impress me. And I thought pretending to be turned on and pleased would make this much shorter. 

There was another knock yet again. He made me moan his name more time before continuing. After a long while of feeling uncomfortable and disgusted I forced myself to come. As weird as it sounds yes, I did. I mean, just thinking of Aubrey... Mark, satisfied, sat down in his chair, while I sat against the wall.

"Come in."

I hug myself, realizing my bra wasn't on right, as the door handle turns and Aubrey walks in.

What the fuck was he doing here? Did he forget Mark disliked him for hitting on me? And-

"What are you doing here Aubrey." Mark says, way more calmly than I expected... almost smug. 

He knew... that's why me made me say HIS name.

Aubrey looks at me while talking,

"Look I don't want to be here either," He starts.

I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes.

Neither do I Aubrey...

"But, you said you wanted your money Monday. So here." Aubrey says throwing a few stashes on Marks desk.

Mark smiles as he takes the money. Of course he fucking knew.

"And I came to apologize, and to t-thank you for your silence..."

Aubrey looked at me and I stared back with sad eyes. I knew he was a hardcore rapper and everything, but that didn't mean that seeing me didn't hurt him. I looked away embarrassed, knowing he listened to me moaning Marks name instead of his.

"Alright well Aubrey there's no need, just stay out of trouble. Now if you excuse me, I mean us-" Mark says motioning for me.

"We have things to finish..."

Aubrey had heard enough, I could tell. He made his way out. Before he slammed the door, Mark slaps my bum. I yelp in pain before jumping out of his reach and staring at him. My bum facing the door.

"Come here."

I do as I'm told, along with other things. I dance on his lap as he takes my clothes off. I knew he wanted to be inside me but he didn't reach for himself. He did everything he could to please me. But I was a lot more disgusted than pleased.

After a while he seemed to think it was enough for me and told me to change. I left faster than I should of but I didn't care. I was just glad it was over. Few people were still there and Diana had gone home. So I grabbed my stuff and did the same.

I opened the door to my apartment before slamming it. I threw off my shoes, my sweater and and my bag before heading towards the bathroom. I run cold water before taking off my shocks, and things I wouldn't want to get wet. I step in, fully clothes and sat down as the water ran. My makeup smeared and I rubbed it off. I wasn't sad just disgusted. Disappointed.

Would things be different if my dad hadn't died so young? Or my mom.. Why was I so alone? And how the hell did I end up working at a strip club...? fuck.

I hear the bathroom door creak and I hug myself, not bothering to look over. But after a while, I look over and Aubrey is standing there. He starts to take his shoes and socks off, as well as his valuable things. He takes his sweater off and leaves on his jeans and t-shirt.

He climbs in with me and I stare at him. We stay like that for a while. Aubrey places his hand on my knee. I don't move. He stands up and holds his hand out for me. I look at it before sighing. I take it and we stand up.

"Bethany," Aubrey says staring at me.

I stare back at him. 

"Let me."

I answered simply, but honestly.


He sighs looking away.

"Because you're more than what people think you are. You deserved to be treated better. With care, love."

We stare at each other. He leans in until we're face to face. We kiss. The kiss heats up and we have hot, shower sex.

A/N aghhhhhhhh

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