Chapter 9

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( I normally say P.E so switching from calling it Gym )

P.E was one of the few lessons I truly enjoyed at my old school but the only thing that bothered me was that there were no sporting opportunities for girls apart from cheerleading and gymnastics. I had been on both teams at my old school but here I had more choice so I intended to join as many teams as I could.

I finished tying my shoelace as I talked to Alex about my plan and was surprised when Alex revealed that she was the goalie keeper for the girls soccer(football) team and that they had won national championships for the last 2 years running. It's not that I didn't believe that Alex was capable of it but I was surprised that a whole squad of girls had the ambition and drive to do something so amazing and in that moment I was so damn proud to be a girl.However that gave me the drive to I do something no girl has ever done before in this school and even if it didn't work I wasn't going to stop until I was good enough.

I walked out of the locker rooms with Alex in tow who was explaining the intense complexity of the fitness routines Coach Adams was constantly planning for the girls soccer(football) team. I laughed as she spoke passionately about her crush on a Spanish football player called David de Gea and how dreamy he was. She pulled out her phone as we walked onto the track where everyone else was standing and showed me a picture of him.
"Oh damn, he is one beautiful human , bless his mother for giving birth to that! " I said in complete agreement with Alex.
" Ladies I understand I'm pretty but please don't make me blush" Said a fairly sarcastic voice
I turned around to find Clark with the biggest grin and boy his teeth were perfect so his grin was infectious and I grinned back.

"Actually, David de Gea is much more attractive than you honey pie" I said and both me and Alex giggled as he pulled the most exaggerated hurt expression. Mason, Trent and Hayden also walked up to us and talked for a while while everyone started stretching and preparing for the lesson.

Coach Adams walked onto the track and separated everyone in terms of abilities. It was quite a typical line up, all the broad jocks including Hayden, Mason, Clark and Trent stood to one side while all the air headed bimbos who were obviously cheerleaders stood to the left of the left of them and everyone else sort of scattered. Alexs' football team all stood next to her and I made friends with a few of them while we waited for Coach to finish separating people.

"Ah what do we have here? Miss Jamie Reynolds, I read your file and noticed you were both on the cheerleading and gymnastics teams at your old school so would you like to have a go with our girls? I'm sure you'd make the team in no time?" He smiled at me and gestured toward the bimbos who wore their bi*ch faces proudly as if they were too good for everyone else. I looked around and noticed that once again all eyes were on me and everyone was anticipating my next move.

"Uh no thanks Coach.........I think I might be a better addition elsewhere"

The bimbos gasped in annoyance and a small blonde, whom I assumed was the bimbos leader, strutted over to me and I lifted her perfectly manicured hand in the air as if to hush everyone and surprisingly everyone began to quieten down.

"Who the hell do you think you are acting as if you better than me and me girls, we don't need you!" She yelled out and then proceeded to fold her arms across her chest as if she was awaiting my apology.

She wants me to apologise?
Shit just got real......

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