True love

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Emma rushed to Killian's side as he fell into her arms. Charming fought off Eric and got his guards to send Eric and his father to jail.
"Killian...I'm so sorry!" Emma cried as tears rushed down her cheeks. "Love, it's..n-not you fault" "it is Killian. If I never wrote you that letter then you wouldn't have come back." Killian used whatever strength he had left to place his hand on her cheek. "Emma..I've loved you from the moment I first met you. And my love for you only grows ever day." Emma's heart raced and so did her tears.
"I love you Killian" she cried. Killian smiled weakly at her, his hand still cupped on her cheek. "I love you too swan" and with that his hand slowly left her cheek and fell to the ground with his eyes closing over. He was gone.
"Killian? Killian! no!!! Come back Killian please!" Snow walked over to her daughter and placed her hand on her shoulder "Emma...I'm so sorry" Emma looked up at her mother, her face was blood red and her eyes were watery. Snow then pulled her daughter into a tight hug. Charming then slowly approached them, "Emma, Killian wasn't just a pirate. He was a hero" Emma looked up at her father "he was daddy...but he didn't deserve to die!" Charming wrapped his arms around his two girls.
"Well that was an interesting show" said a voice from behind them. It was Rumplestilskin. "What are you doing here!?" Emma looked up at him, Charming lifted a sword to his neck "your very stupid showing yourself here dark one!" Rumple laughed childishly at him and looked down to see Emma lying her head on Killian's chest. (The sword was took out) "I came to tell you that he can live" Emma stood up and walked towards him. "Are you telling the truth Rumplestilskin?" "Indeed I am see, the sword which he was impaled by is enchanted. And well the only way he can be true love's kiss"
Snow and Charming looked  at their daughter, "Emma, you have to save him" Emma looked at her parents and then the dark one "it will work won't it?" She questioned him. "Of course dearie" Emma knelt down beside Killian place her hand on his chest and the other on his head. She slowly went to closer to his face and kissed his lips. A gust of wind moved from them. Emma looked around her in confusion, only to hear the voice she loved "Emma?" Emma's heart dropped instdentally. "Killian!" She cried as he sat up, "I told you love...I'm a survivor" she then leaned in and kissed him, he kissed her back placing his hand in her hair.
Charming and snow gleamed with pride as their daughter had finally found love. They turned to face Rumple but he had left.
Emma broke away from the kiss and stood up, interwinding her hands with Killian's.
"Killian Jones, we want to thank you for being a hero to put Kingdom." Killian smiled at the king and queen "it was my pleasure" "and tonight we will have a ball to celebrate!" Snow said with pride. Killian looked down at Emma who was now lying her head on his shoulder.
The ball would take place that night and they would finally be together.

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