My Un-mated self Chapter 14

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*Chapter 14*


*Luc’s POV*

“Chasssse! Get up!!” I said jumping on the bed. Our flight is in two hours and it takes an hour just to get to the airport!

“Go away!” He mumbled grumpily.

“Chase get up! We have a plane to catch!” I took all of the blankets off of him leaving him in his boxers. “If you don’t get up I’ll call your mother!” That got him up.

“Fine! I’m up.” He stumbled into the bathroom. I picked up my stuff and dragged in to the door. I plopped all of my things by the door. Chase came out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips. He smirked at me when he caught me staring.

“See something you like?”

“I do actually but if you don’t hurry up I might just kill you.” I said smiling at him. He frowned and changed.


“By guys! We’ll see you in Florida!” I said to Rich and Clare. We boarded out plane and found our seats.

“Are you excited Babe?” Chase asked holding my hand.

“Yes! When we get to the hotel I have to tell you something.” With that we took off.


Sixteen hours later we landed in China, I don’t know what town but it was crowded! We called a taxi.

“Can you believe that we are actually here?” Chase asked happily.

“I am! A whole week with nothing to do.”

“What did you want to tell me?” He asked. I looked at the driver and shook my head.


“How much did this cost Chase?” We had just walked into our hotel room and it was amazing! It was a five star hotel. The room had a big king sized bed, a flat screen TV, a kitchen, a bathroom, and many other things.

“I will never tell you! Just enjoy our vacation.” He said kissing my forehead.

“I will.” We put everything away and fixed some dinner. “Chase I have to tell you something…”



“So this is why you wanted to come here? Not just to spend time with me?” He asked angrily. I had just told Chase the whole story of why I was here and about what my dad left me.

“Yes but I do want to spend time with you.” I said.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He grabbed his hair angrily.

“Chase this is something I needed to do on my own. I didn’t realize this would become a scavenger hunt across the world!” I said looking down.

“Well now we have traveled across the world for what? Something that might not exist!”

“It does exist! And I will find it with or without your help.” I said glaring at him slightly.

“Do you have proof that any of this is true? It could be just someone playing a joke on you.” Chase said slumping down in a chair.

“No I don’t but I’ve been having these dreams and visions and I need to find out what they mean!” I looked at Chase, he didn’t say anything.

“Fine but your taking me everywhere.” Chase got up and kissed me on the forehead.

“Ok. Let’s go to bed.”



“So it’s here somewhere?” Chase asked looking up at the Great Wall of China. I looked down the length of it and couldn’t see the ends.

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