I'm a powerful Alpha Chapter 9

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*Chris's POV*

Mommy left about a week ago and I'm scared . What if she doesn't come back? Ace told me that mommy was bringing back some family.

"Ace when is mommy coming home?"

"Ace?" JJ asked.

"Mommy should be coming home tomorrow," Ace said picking me up.

"Ok," I said sadly missing mommy.



*Chase's POV*

"Ace when is mommy coming home?" Chris asked looking at me with his big eyes.

"Ace?" JJ asked smirking. Ace is what Chris calls me.

"Mommy should be coming home tomorrow," I say picking him up and putting him on my lap.

"Ok," He said looking down sadly. Chris misses Luc. I miss her too.

"Isn't she coming home today?" Noah asked.

"No tomorrow."

"No she called yesterday and said she would come home today."

"Oh well she didn't call me." I said.

"Oh it was suppose to be a surprise." He said with and expression like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Way to keep a secret." I said sarcastically.

We watched tv for another hours till we heard the roar of the trucks. I practically sprinted out of the room almost dropping Chris on his head.

"Mommy!" Chris screamed. He jumped out of my arms and ran to Luc. She picked him up and swung him around!

"I missed you baby!" She said kissing his forehead.

"Luc it's good to see you!" Noah said hugging her. I growled LOUD! Everyone looked at me and Noah backed away. Luc laughed. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her. Someone took Chris and I turned to see Noah and Chris making gagging noises.

"Oh your just jealous your not getting any!" I said smirking. I turned to see Luc blushing! She looked so hot when she blushed!!

"No dude I got someone hotter!" He said looking over at Ginny practically drooling.

"What ever."

"Chase come meet my family!" Luc said pulling me towards one of the cars.

"I missed you!" I said in her ear and kissed her.

"Oh you must be Chase!" A very energetic women said.

"Yes that would be me." I said smiling.

"Well I'm Luc's Aunt Katie. These are my children Colton, Artie, Sarah, and Erika." She said pointing to all the kids. Colton looked around fifteen and somewhat looked like Luc.

"Nice to meet you all." They all nodded. "So how are you liking Maine?"

"It's.....Different." She looked like she was trying to think of a good word to describe it.

"Well if you need help carrying anything JJ and Noah will help," I said calling them over.



*Colton's POV*


When we got to Luc's House it was huge! It was like a hotel! I was so surprised I didn't realize that my mom introduced me to......what was his name? Oh yeah Chase! Luc wouldn't shut up about him all week!

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