Nothing More Than Fuddy Duddy|Chapter 2

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HIs uniform looked cool. He made our boring old uniform look cool.He had pushed up the sleeves on his white collared button down shirt. The first two buttons were undone. His dark brown hair stood up in the front and a tan made his emerald eyes stand out. His khaki pants already looked worn, dark blue sneakers peeked out from underneath. A gray backpack was slung over one shoulder while one hand held his leather jacket. He smiled honestly at the growing crowd and I shut my eyes and a everyone went towards him and turned on my heel and walked the other way. Lyn after me.

Hayley was lingering in the back to and she strut over. Her group following her.We all looked over the crowd and the new boy, I swear he looked straight at me. I stared at his emerald eyes while he stared at mine, turning slightly he started heading toward our group. He was still at the end of the hallway and would take a minute or two to get here.

While everyone still watched him Hayley flounced over to us. Her golden hair were in perfect ringlets and her robin blue eyes glinted. Since her dad was good friends with the principal didn't have to wear uniform. Her booty shorts were studded with silver and a light purple shirt showed off her belly button piercing. Her side kick Cassie had bright red hair and warm brown eyes. Even though she was friends with Hayley she still had to wear uniform. HAyley's other "friend" was Peg. Peg had long thick black hair and brown eyes. Her skin was darker because her grandmother came from India a long time ago. But she was not in the least bit polite. Clay was Cassie boyfriend and had shaggy blond hair that matched his blue eyes. He was on our school's football team. Peg boyfriend was Drew who had a buzzcut and wrested. Lou, Lyn's boyfriend jogged over and fist bumped Clay and Drew. Lou had a dark tan and inviting brown eyes. He had a mop of black and grinned at Lyn. He quickly kissed her and I realized me and HAyley were the single ones.

Hayley smiled fakely at the group. She was a jerk but the most popular kid at school. It was about how much money you had. "Hey! I can't wait to meet my new boyfriend!" She squealed. I looked down, knowing she meant the new boy. "He was SO looking at me! Like five girls were like 'omg he looked at me' and I was like no! He obviously has good taste and likes me." Hatley laughed and gave me a pointed look. Blushing I looked down again and my hopes were crushed. No smashed. No freakin sat on by HAyley. Destroyed. HAyley smiled her sugary sweet fake smile and all I wanted to do was wipe that smile off her face but I couldn't move. I couldn't make myself.

"I'll have a new boyfriend by night." The drama queen giggled. While Peg started going on about on her new lip gloss. Doubtfully I shuffled my feet and looked down.

"Listen. Hayley will get bored of Mr.Perfect in a day." Lyn assured me. I wanted to point out how could she if you just called him Mr.Perfect? I decided against anything. I fought angry, disappointed tears. I couldn't cry, I wouldn't cry. I hadn't cried since I was four and we moved into our crap house.

Why did Hayley's family get whatever they wanted? She doesn't deserve any of it. I shook my head. "Hey, cheer up kiddo." Lyn lightly punched my arm. "You're the strongest girl I know okay? Don't you ever forget it either. People like you, some even love you! No one really likes Hayley. If your popular it doesn't mean everyone likes you." Lyn wrapped me in a quick hug. suddenly she froze. Arms taut, muscles tense. Eyes wider than moons. I let go of her and turned to see, inches away from me, the new boy.

We stared at each other until he finally whispered; "hey." HIs breath smelled like mint and his lips looked softer than velvet.

"HEY!" HAyley pushed me out of the way and I fell on Lyn. "I'm Hayley." She whispered trying to sound romantic and failing. Lyn giggled as she helped me up. The boy nodded, his lips curling into a held backed laugh as he backed away. "Oh and you should meet my friends!" She said ignoring reaction. He chuckled and nodded.

Hayley took a deep breath and regained composure. Hayley turned and gave him her best fake sweet smile, making me want to jump into a giant black abyss. "These are my friends Cassie and Peg." THe girls smiled. "There boyfriends, Clay and Drew. Clay plays football and Drew wrestles." The boys nodded.

"I'm Lyn, this is my boyfriend Lou. That's my best friend..." Lyn jumped in and gave me look that said; say-your-name-PLEASE! I coughed.

What's my name? Who am I? Where am I? Who are these people? I couldn't think. M! It started with a m. Mary? no Melione? no. March? No.

"Any day now." Hayley remarked and her friends snickered. Map. Thats in it. Maple! Maple got it, It's down. Never gonna lose it gain. Wait whats my name?

"Maple" I whisper.

"what?" Hayley grinned wickedly. I looked at her, biting my lip. Sudden a feeling came over me I turned to the new boy. He was smiling encouragingly at me. I shakily returned the smile.

"Maple." I said loud and clear.

"Maple! Thats a awesome name!" The boy smiled warmly at me.

"Is that a British accent?" Cassie asked her eyes wide.

"Yup. From London." He smiled again. "I'm Dennis Camper he shuffled some papers in his hand while Hayley started talking about how much she loves England. "Hey. I'm really sorry to interrupt." He pauses slightly as Hayley nodded. "But class is about to start and I still haven't found my locker so could someone show me?" He asked looking at me.

"Oh I've been here since Kindergarten I can show you!" Hayley said noticing him looking at me. Dennis bit his lip.

"Uh I was-"

"Yes! Oh thank you SOO much I really want to talk to you!" Hayley interrupted. She took the papers from him and started flipping through them. Dennis had no choice.

"I guess." He sighed.

Hayley smiled extra sweet and when she brushed past me she whispered; "stay away." I swallowed and watched Dennis follow Hayley away. I sighed and adjusted my bag. Lyn tried to talk but I shook my head.

"Class is starting soon." I said and walked away.

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