Wake Beat's Around The Bush|Chapter 4

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Wake Beat's Around The Bush

A light blanket was draped over me and my shoes were by the door. I sat up stiffly and my stomach growled. I hadn't eaten dinner last night. My mom must have given me the blanket and taken off my shoes. I sat up and looked around. Jany was gone and strong rays of light lit up my room. I looked through my dresser for a outfit and decided on some dark skinny jeans and a baggy gray tee-shirt. I changed and add some lip gloss. I hurried down stairs and to my glee my father was reading the newspaper.I hugged him tight and he hugged back. His buzzcut black hair matched his overgrown stubble and his big blue eyes studied me happily.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in a week!" He laughed. I chuckled a bit.

"I haven't seen you in a week. You stay so late and go to work so early!" I replied, still laughing.

"You've gotten bigger!" He joked and pushed up his thin metal glasses. One might tease me for laughing at my dad's lame jokes and well just being nice to him. He doesn't have many people that do that for him though. His job doesn't appreciate him at all.

I kissed his cheek and opened the fridge. I take out milk which is probably stale but I guzzle it anyway. A slightly brown apple goes down as well. I licked my lips and slipped my converse on. The sky was a bright blue as I started to my second best friends house, Wake.

I keep walking until I am in the thick of the city. people nudge me out of the way and I cross a busy street. Soon I come to the Governor's Office.

The steps are a shiny white marble and I jogged up them. A police officer stood in front of the doors and he put out his hand to stopped me. "Hey Russell." I said high fiving the outstretched hand.

"Maple Sanders is that you!" Russell bellowed.

"yup it is I!" I popped the p, thinking of Lyn.

"I knew it! Maple Sanders is the only kiddo who would high five a police officer!" He smiled kindly and his thick, light brown mustache quirked up in a smile. "You for Wake?" He asked.

"Yeah. We haven't seen each other in forever." I smiled, a bit sad.

"Well then go see 'em!" Russell ruffled my hair and shook his head. Russell stepped back so I could enter the massive place. It is so big that the governor's family lives upstairs! I heard Russell talk in his walkie talkie. "Maple Sanders for Wake Angles. over" someone said something over the walkie but I couldn't understand what they said. "At entrance over." Russell replied and saw me eavesdropping. "Hey Sanders!" I laughed and turned. There was a long marble hallway and pictures of all the mayors lined the walls. It was painted a gray and to my left there was a grand marble staircase. A large, blocky, wooden desk sat in between.

I walked to the desk and a woman sat typing away at a large computer. She had brown hair that was longer in the front and got shorter in the back. I remembered once Lyn had been squabbling about fashion and what not when she had called that a bob haircut.

The women's eyes were a rusty green and glued to the screen. She had on a gray pantsuit and a few wrinkles crossed her face. See looked in her mid fifties. Her features were sharp and her nose was long. I hadn't seen her before, must be new.

"Ms." I said politely. No response. Maybe she didn't hear me. But the only noise was her typing away. I tried again. "Ms." I said louder. Still nothing. I coughed loudly. Was she ignoring me? I saw a bell. A small sign under it said; 'ring for service.' So I did.

It was loud and clear. It echoed a bit. I cleared my throat. I was fed up of people being jerks to me! I tried one more time. "Ms." I said forcefully. she didn't even look up. I wanted to just ring the bell over and over again. I couldn't. I reached out and rung it one more time. *bing bing bing*

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