Chapter 5

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NOTE: I don't own Attack on Titan, Black Butler, or Bleach or any of the characters except my own OC's, plot, and stuff.

Chapter five: Dreams of Tomorrow

Date: January 845

After two years of vicious attacks from the general populace, slowly the long feud of the Rivelles versus the Phantomhives was washed away with the fact of Levi's loyalty to the Survey Corps. In hand, he also was the Captain of the Special Ops Squad who were famed for titan kills of over 200. He was a figure not to be questioned as he now helped lead many successes for the empire and garnered much more experience then before.

As for Hana, she took root in devoting herself in the garden that was at her house. Of course having the company of her friends when they weren't busy was enjoyable, but after the incident of losing her beloved cousin Ciel she became more reserved. Flowers were the only few she felt she could openly share her feelings with. One of the flowers that vied for her attention was the flower under the name of 'forget me nots'. They were of a lovely blue hue that reminded Hana of Ciels favorite color as well as the name of the flower that reminded her to simply not forget him and what he meant to her.

Though most of her personality was warped because of Ciels death, another major part of it involved her first feelings of 'love'. About a year ago Hana started to harbor affection for Eren Jäger. It started with the constant attention Eren attempted to gain from Hana to lift her spirits. Eren gave her daisies as often as he visited and although she didn't always invite him in he left words of care with the notes he wrote himself. Soon she saw that as an affectionate gesture and has been quite embarrassed around him ever since.

Today was an average day with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. Rin wanted to join them but she had business as her parents told her friends. They were running around the bustling streets playing tag. There was quite a tumble with Armin being bullied but Eren and Mikasa swatted away the older boys quickly. While they were running around they passed by Hana's house. On the porch was Hana fiddling in her hands a flower crown with small flowers. The flowers were pastels of pinks, blues, and yellows. She looked as if she was very focused on it but the friends disregarded that gesture with their poppy spirits.

"Hey Hana why don't you join us to play tag?" Eren called as he came up to Hana and excitedly sat while leaning in closer to her.

Hana in turn didn't notice them initially and was startled. She dropped her crown into her lap and hastily went to grab it back up.

"Oh Eren! Ah of course just let me finish this up." Hana replied in a flustered rush. Quickly she finished it and set it down at a safe place on the porch. She could never seem to reject requests from him lately as she got more nervous with her ever growing crush Eren. If she ever got the chance to be with him she was willing to set aside her personal time.

"Ok let's go! Mikasa and Armin are playing too and I was it! So now you're it!" Eren exclaimed as he dragged Hana towards the fun. Hana smiled as she started chasing her friends.

Soon Hana and her friends were tired out. They settled at the place of Eren and Mikasa as the group chatted about their aspirations and dreams.

"I want to be part of the esteemed Survey Corps! Join Erwin and Levi in taking back the lands outside the walls!" Eren emoted with pride.

Mikasa glared. The three of them: Eren, Mikasa, and Armin had occasional talk about this before and Mikasa was sick of Eren talking about the topic so lightly. Mikasa knew that being a part of the survey corps took more than just this blind courage that Eren was talking about. Plenty of lives in the most recent Survey Corps mission were lost to the beasts with human like flesh- titans.

"I won't allow it. Mom won't allow it Eren." Mikasa stressed.

"Mikasa, no matter how much you tell him, Eren hasn't seemed to if changed his mind." Armin shyly added.

The conversation was raging on as Hana was intrigued yet confused. She never heard this kind of talk with them. 'Eren going into the Survey Corps' Hana thought. That wasn't unlikely but Hana was worried. The job of Survey Corps was gruesome as she heard the stories from her parents from behind closed doors. Hana did want to join the Survey Corps as well but she was terrified of the stories. Hana believed no one in her group understood the consequences of being a part of the Survey Corps.

"Hana what do you think? What military branch would you think of joining?" Armin questioned. The other two turned at the question to Hana's input in the conversation. Hana was startled yet again.

"Ah... I have not thought about it much before. I would like to be with my family in the Survey Corp but I feel I wouldn't be strong enough. I do want to contribute to the efforts though. I could start a business with flowers and send money off to help fund the Survey Corps." Hana thought upon.

Her friends looked on with admiration and relief since she wouldn't be putting herself in danger. But Eren was slightly disappointed since Hana did come from a prominent family that she would do such simple things. It was ultimately understandable that all people were not always suited for the action and readiness to battle the titans.

Soon as the conversation of fighting digressed everyone started to go home. Armin suggested that Hana and him go home together as they lived quite close and Hana nodded as they started walking down the narrow streets.

At home everything seemed quiet. Levi and Petra were off of work and Hana went to go water the plants. It was all peaceful until the sound that alarmed all of the Shiganshina District. The sound of the wall being broken into tiny bits.

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