Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Swirly Girl (the person who inspired me to do this)

NOTE: I don't own Attack on Titan, Black Butler, or Bleach or any of the characters except my own OC's.


Chapter three: A Day of Celebration

Date: April 1, year 841

Hana's Pov:

Today was the day that my Cousin Ciel and my friends were coming over for my special day. My birthday!!! Everyone I knew was going to be there even my mama and papa. They got the day off specially for me today! I jumped out of my bed and ran into the living room. Papa was reading a book while mama was making crepes with chocolate and whipped cream. Mhmm. Usually we never have crepes. Mama says they are rare to have these days along with things in wall Sina.

I smiled to myself and sat next to papa kicking my feet from side to side. A knock came at the door.

"Coming!" I say as I walk over to open the door.

There in front of me is Ciel in a more casual attire of a white-cream longsleeved shirt with a royal blue coat like his eyes and matching slacks. I give him a small hug before taking his hand and bringing him to the kitchen with mama.

" Here is Ciel." I smile. I suddenly start to feel hazy, it turns to black. Voices start to blur around in my head.

The world started to rumble with a bright flash of light. The ending was clear. Two lives mixed into one. That's nice to know. Peeta is nice too. All my friends are in a happy family. I love it bro. Cats everywhere, I just wanna hug every cat. Ciel looks at Rin and smiles. Whoops look no futher this is the begining today.

School is long I have fun what a lovely day. Troll troll troll. What else to write but the beating of my heart onto the keys. I have a headache awe me. I don't like school. Too much to handle bro. Don't beat me up for this.

Harps they flow with the wind as I sway to the coconuts. I am acting like my friend. All the crazy into one. Wanna hear one of her jokes? "I'm so fresh they call me FreBreeze."

Oh noes I am trying to reach the pineapple for the pineapple party at mars... wait we can't have a party on mars. But we can on da moon! Oh yeah bro. I think I'm getting dizy.

"You ok?" a voice says to me. I look up to see papa. I squint..... what I don't have a father. Never did.

I stare in oddness. 'Wait, is that LEVI?' Woah bro, mindblown.

"Hana your ok. Yes? Why are you so confused?" Petra looks at me with a worrying look of a mother. What..... I must be in my favorite anime and my book became reality as I took in my surroundings. It was a cabin like room with a kitchen. 'The same things from my book da f##k?' Ciel was even there.

Was I going mad? I wasn't sure, I looked down at my body and saw myself in a childrens body. EPP. I jump a bit as my family jumps with me, unsure with what is wrong.

I gulp and give a cheeky smile reassuring with, "I'm good I'm just hungry for some crepes."


Rumbling starts, titans are here. Then poof the end. Everyone dies, go home.


Hahaha April Fools .~. This isn't even my official copy (Maybe except the part about everyone dying).... anyways I'll bring up the actual chapter 3 sooner or later. XP I've been being lazy so forgive me please.

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