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Prologue. *Unedited*

"Meet me in the park at 5 pm" I received a message on my cracked tiny phone.

"Aren't you grounded?" Yes, he is. He's grounded for seeing me. Yes, he's eighteen. But that's what you get when your dad is a stubborn ass arrogant, superficial and judgmental billionaire.

"I'll sneak out. Just come." I felt that something was off, so I tried to argue. But at this point my phone notified me that it's ran out of credit and I had to recharge, but my wallet is growling since I got fired from my last job.

I decided to go anyways. And as soon as I arrived, I saw him standing next to the bench that we used to sit on, with an envelope in his hand.

"Here you are" He shouted in relief.

"Hey" I said, still unsure and confused.

"How are you doing? Fine?" He asked unsure as well.

Have I ever even been fine before?

"Better than ever. Thanks." I said solemnly.

"I'm glad you're alright" He smiled in sympathy.

I wanted to punch him in the face and tell him that I don't need his pity. Not because I hate him, because I punch anyone who looks to me in this way, or at least in my imagination.

"What are you doing here?" I said as soon as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"See, Andie. I came here to tell you and give you something important." He said and stopped for a while, as if he was trying to gather the appropriate words to say.

He cleared his voice then said "Leave Melbourne, Andie. You've always told me about your dreams to leave this place. This is a one way flight ticket and a good amount of cash. Take them please and start a new life. At least accept them as a compensation."

"Tu rigoles? Je vais voyager?!" When I heard myself saying that, I almost believed that I was excited. But at this point, I started to realize what was going on, and I couldn't feel more upset, depressed and betrayed.

"You didn't even sneak out, did you?" I sighed, tired of the rocks reality keeps throwing in my face.

"Andie..." He started but I cut him.

"Have you even truly loved me?" Sounding desperate now.

"You know that I did, Andrea. I've always did. And I still do." He said firmly.

At this point, I started to cry. I hate when this side of me floats to the surface, but I've revived my love and hope for him and all I got in reward were a one way ticket and a few thousand dollars.

"You didn't even try. You didn't try to fight for me. You're afraid to lose your father. You're afraid to lose the money, aren't you?!" I shouted in a fail attempt to sound put together.

"You'll never understand. You'll never do" He sighed and looked down.

"C'est vrai. I'll never do." I smiled and wipes my tears after I realized how pathetic I look. If I don't want to be treated like one, I mustn't look like one. "You know what? I'll take it." If it's the only thing you have to offer, I thought.

He looked back to me in surprise and quickly handed me the envelope. "Believe me, you made the right choice. You deserve to leave all these memories behind you and start clean, including me. But don't you ever forget that I've truly loved you, Andie? I know you did, too. And I know that I wasn't enough of a man to deserve your love. But just because we loved each other, doesn't mean that we could work out. I know that the possibility of you understanding me is almost nowhere but I need you to know that sometimes, I don't have a choice. Just like you, Andie. Just like you. And this envelope is the best thing my helpless self could offer you."

I didn't know what to say. A series of nods were all what came out, and a sigh, and a fail attempt to smile.

"Thank you, Pres. Merci pour tout." I paused to think of words to say. "But if it's the last time we'll see each other, I don't want it to be a dramatic end. At least for the sake of good time."

And out of nowhere, he pulled me into a tight hug that almost crashed my ribs. I couldn't help but smile and hug him back. I couldn't help but believe that he's loved me. I know that he did. And I know that I did too. But life doesn't always go your way.

"I'll never forget you, Andrea Parker." He said, still hugging me.

"Neither will I, Preston Harris."

I let go of his embrace to look at him and said, trying to lighten up the mood "And don't forget to thank Mr. Harris for me. I'll never forget him either. I knew for a fact that he does hate me, but I've never known that he hates me this much, he wants me out of the country!" I laughed.

He laughed lightly and looked at the ground in shame. But he was relieved that I found out that the envelope wasn't his. How am I going to be able to leave a person that I know this well?

"Mais bon. Au revoir, Preston." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek then stepped back. We kept staring at each other waiting for one another to slip away, and out of sight.

At some point, I broke the eye contact and walked away, drowning in my misery. I can still feel him staring at my back, watching me disappear, forever.

Sometimes, turning the page is not enough. You have to rip the pages off so the memories don't crawl back. But this page was so precious and I didn't know if I even wanted to move on.

When I arrived home, I opened the envelope and found a thick pack of cash and a Montreal, Canada ticket staring back at me. God, he knows me too well, too. He used to listen.

I decided to pack my stuff which were nothing to brag about in a backpack and head out.
I was thinking of whether if I should go pay the rent or not, but I ended up not going. Because, why waste money if you're not even coming back ever again.

I left the apartment without taking a look back. It wasn't much of a lovely place for me, anyways.

But I decided to have a walk in the city. I wanted to take a last look at the memories and revive them just one more time, then seize them right in their places. I didn't want to take any of them with me, since they seem to only drag me down and make me a weaker person.

Melbourne has shown me a lot of dark days, but gave me shots of lights once in a while, constantly. Which I held in tight so I can walk through the darkness untill it gives me another shot. These shots were the main reason I made it to my eighteenth year, and Pres was one of them.

As I was walking around, I started to realize that Melbourne, with its darkness and lights, ups and downs, has become my new bittersweet shot of light that will lead me to a whole new veiled journey.

And as I made it to the airport, I knew that the journey has started. So this time I looked back. I took a shot of the city with my eyes, saved it in my mind and seized the light in my dying heart.
And as life has taught me, one shot is always enough to show you the road. So I took just one shot and walked away. One for the road.


Thank you guys for reading this. I hope it wasn't really confusing. I'd really appreciate your feedback. Annd, if you're a French speaker, please don't get offended by my poor French skills. x


"Tu rigoles? Je vais voyager?! " : You're kidding? I will travel?!

"C'est vrai" : That's right.

"Merci pour tout" : Thanks for everything.

"Mais bon, au revoir, Preston." : But okay, good bye, Preston.

  Sorry for forgetting to put this translation from the start! I noticed that I should've put it  when some people gave me feedbacks about it. So here's you're translation. x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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